Anyone online for chat? Bored.
I’m here, and I’m bored too. What are your plans for today?
My brother’s coming over soon. I bought him a jar of sweets as it was his birthday recently. What are your plans?
Oh, that’s nice. I’m working from home, so that’s going to keep me busy for about 6 more hours, haha.
That’s cool. What’s your job? If I worked I’d like to work from home.
Its 4:27 am and I’m wide awake
Are you in America? Ffgdgg
I’m in Manitoba Canada
I’d like to visit Canada.
The east and west coasts are beautiful. And the mountains are as well. I live on the prairie. A little less scenic and winter is rough. I want to move someday
Where do you want to move to?
I’d like to move to the east coast of Canada
Nice. What’s your plans for rest of day?
Bloodwork and a few errands. Maybe I’ll get some house stuff done as well.
How about you?
My brother’s over. Just chatting to him.
Hello!I went to drink a beer with my friend.He is very nice.It’s my best friend
That’s cool. Dfgfggg
Yes!it’s a litlle early for a beer but doesn’t matter
I’m telling my friends about my sz,it’s very liberating!
Yesterday I apologized the boy that in love with because I insulted him.I insulted him becuse he doesn’t love me.I have understood he is ill,an he can choose not to love me