Ive had voices tell me when dad would get to me and it was right. Same with a social worker.
What do you mean by get you?
No “get to me” is what i meant
I think you know that because life is cyclical. We tend to live in periods of cycles
Yeah but the voice has a life of its own ive heard it
I’ve had voices tell me where I’d been mystified. If I accepted what they said as truth I wasn’t aware enough to know, it encouraged me to listen for more and more voices which led to a roaring psychosis. Maybe the lesson to learn here is voices can be valuable if used sparingly.
For gps? Im sure that would be handy.
I’ve had funny coincidences with the voices, but they’re not of this reality. It’s safe to ignore them, and possibly silence them with good treatment.
Sanity is preferred over playing games with hallucinations.
It seems like that when you’re ill and don’t have “insight” into your illness. What the voices say seem incredibly profound and supernaturally accurate. Once the meds kick in and your head starts to straighten out you realize that the voices are wrong more than they were right and it’s EXTREMELY embarrassing when you realize how much you let them guide you.
Some advice from an aging SZ: I’ve been fighting this illness for over a quarter of a decade and giving the finger to my voices for just over two decades now. I’m doing just fine. You can, too!
My voices lately have been mean. Gtfo
Mine tell me how I’m going to die horribly at the hands of aliens. Doesn’t stop me from beating the whiny little ■■■■■■■up and taking their lunch money! They’re just noise. The only power they have is the power you give them. Don’t give it to them!
My voices also told me to listen to them. My voices would tell me to listen to them instead of ignoring them. They would say you need to listen as you have become telepathic and this is what we all go through. It said this is the norm you had awake from a sleeping state.
This Mentality of listening to the voices brought on full Sz which I will prob have deal for a lifetime.
Now the voices say I have some
Mental blockage that’s why I don’t have control over what I send (evolve in a sense).
A voice told me decades ago that if my parents bought the property nextdoor, my nephew, one year one month old, would die. And it happened down to the hour. Time of death was around 8:00 AM, my mom was at the realtor at around 9:00 AM.
I don’t believe in psychics or spirits and I think voices are nothing but damaging. Nothing good about them.
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