Anyone else keeps refreshing "latest" section on this forum?

I keep coming back and see if anything new has happened. Lol


Yeah. If ive left the forum for the while i will hit f5 lol.

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Boom! Here’s a new post for you to read.

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Yes I refresh all the time. I have been going back and forth between Facebook and here trying to build up my new account.


How are the voices today, have you been able to read something?

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I tend to do that more towards the evening here in the states when this forum gets a little more traffic.

I have only ever looked at latest.

I look down the threads, and sometimes if I see any without response I will try and help or say something constructive to bump it up the list.

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Did you ask me for the books and voices? Well, today I have voices. I have ordered 4 works of Lenin, in a few days they will arrive. You?

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I was but had to stop for a while cus it was dead

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