Anyone else afraid of the homeless?

Many homeless people i’ve came across were polite, and typically the more violent ones aren’t around during the day.


When I started working there I was very nervous. But kindness goes a long way. When you laugh and joke about mundane stuff and treat them like real people, they lower the barriers. I’ve never experienced harm from anyone. Yeah they have their bad days but we can sense that too.


I was once homeless in a major city…


I’m not scared of homeless people.

I am scared of becoming homeless myself.

I dont think id survive. The winters here are really cold + I wouldnt have money for my meds.


Yeah during my last psychotic break in 2016 I almost became homeless


I’m not afraid of homeless people, but I do avoid them. When I have interacted with homeless people, I’m always asked for money, which I don’t do, but I will tell them where the soup kitchens and food pantries are (I know where they are because I had to use them many years ago). If it wasn’t for churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. and non-profits, the homeless would die.

I’ve read stats that say that there are 580,000 homeless people in the US at any given time, but surely that number is underreported. It’s a national disgrace.


There’s a clear global difference too. In some non-european countries with very large homeless populations such as Pakistan the homeless live in larger communities so in a manner having a home. Homeless in North America and Europe are really homeless, they cannot form larger communities outside the market system, and basically live completely alienated from society.


Yeah it’s sad how alienated they are.
My MI charity that I belong to offers housing and supportive services to many homeless vets.


It’s actually a perfect storm with inflation, housing crisis, mental health crisis and opiate/ drug crisis. Lots of deaths and lives ruined.


Every one should have a place to live unconditionally (if they are real bad that place may be jail ).

Everyone should have food , shelter , health care.

I have a fancy pair of sunnies I bought second hand and my boyfriend told me not to wear them in his neighbourhood….
So if I go there I wear cheap $5 sunnies.:slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad you have a place to live now @Turtle43 .
Hope you are happy and well.

I lived in my car for a month.
I felt I wasn’t allowed in apartment although no one had said it out loud.
I slept in back seat and couldn’t spread me legs out.
I showered in public shower by beach in cold cold water.
I ate entree from restaurant for dinner.
Usually cheap chicken soup .


Thanks @SacredNeigh7

I know some homeless that do crimes just to go to jail for shelter.


I see them in the medians in my city holding signs up
Me n my girlfriend usually try to help them out with a few dollars or some change if we have it



No, the homeless don’t scare me. Regardless of the reasons that made them homeless they’re generally nice to me in my city and they typically don’t go looking for trouble. They’re just people for one reason or another who are down on their luck.

My Mamacita and I always try to help them out with a little bit of money, or food and clothing that we donate to a local church mission.

The people that scare me are these young idiots running around with guns and weapons, brainwashed by the latest “trap star.”


I’m not afraid but I am wary of strangers of any kind. I try to help the homeless when I have money by giving hygiene items and food. They’re people just like those of us with homes.

I think it’s important to show empathy for others including the unhoused.


Not really afraid but I don’t like them.

Ik they’re mentally unwell but they don’t do anything to help themselves. The ones in London were probably offered housing, but they rejected it. They like their drugs too much.

In the UK we need a government initiative to round them all up and send them to rehab or mental hospitals.

They do make cities more undesirable and untidy.

Homeless dude gave me a weird look last Saturday. He was staring at my messenger bag. I would’ve whooped his ass if he tried stealing from me. Some of them are scum. Honestly I just don’t like them. Riff raff.

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So it is true indeed.

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I feel for them and I am a little wary of them thanks to my time in Oakland

Like people say unmedicated individuals are a problem. I really feel for female homeless folks the most. I hear they get victimized a lot.


Yeah I’m more fearful of the younger males not so much women


Yes, I am careful around homeless, but that is because I was one and I was victimized by other homeless. It’s not that they are all bad people, but people in a bad enough situation will do whatever bad things they have to in order to surive. Keep that in mind and keep your distance, let those who are paid to handle the homeless or those volunteers who are trained deal with them do so.

They are just as dangerous.


I’m not afraid of them but then again I have never been to an inner city to experience them. Dealt with panhandlers before. Not my favorite people.

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