Anxiety in my tummy

I sort of always have a bit of it. Right in the pit of my tummy. You know you just get used to it being there. And you notice it every once in awhile and say “yup, still there”. But you carry on. These last few days it’s been awful. I can’t take it. I feel as though something bad is going to happen. The bad feeling in the pit of my tummy is interfering with my eating. And I’m aware of it for a good part of the day. I’m afraid I’m going to have a premonition. Please don’t let anything bad happen. I’m so worried and I don’t even know about what.

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I’m so sorry :frowning: I can relate 100% to your post. Do you feel anxiety or is it mostly a physical manifestation? I get nauseous before I recognize that I’m anxious. For example. It helps me to think in terms of probabilities of bad things happening. It isnt likely.

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Ah anxiety the friend that just won’t leave you alone but you wish they would. You’re probably not psychic so I don’t think you have to worry. Worrying that something may happen might be increasing the feeling.

Try some grounding techniques. I have the mantra, “be here, now” to remind myself that I only need to focus on the present. The right now.


I feel anxiety and then I push it down into my tummy trying to ignore it. I’m trying to acknowledge it, and deal with it but it’s so strong and illogical.

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I understand. It’s hard to ignore for sure. Sometimes we just have to sit with the anxiety before it can go away.

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Yes, I’ll try to sit with it. I’ll try to be ok with it and realize it’s only an emotion. But it hurts. And it snowballs. I need to get a grip.

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Try to be easy on yourself

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