Antidepressant no effect

It really has no effect on me.
It’s the second antidepressant I am trying, a third week on Prozac and I noticed that only environmental factors change the way I feel. In other words, if I am busy, doing something, not arguing with family members- I feel better. Also when I excersise. If day is bad, I feel bad.
Maybe my pdoc was right - SSRI which affects serotonin are ain’t helpful for me because my serotonin is OK.
I know that for many people antidepressants are helpful, but; in my case it isn’t helping.


Sorry to hear that. Hope you can find some solutions

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I really will put more effort in what I eat and how often I move
Maybe it will change something

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Are you sleeping enough?

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Oh yeah I sleep a lot actually :slight_smile:

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maybe try Bupropion its NDRI but it has risk of worsening psychosis


Have you tried SNRIs instead of SSRIs? It’s worth trying at least


I agree to talk to the doctor to see about trying bupropion or an SNRI. Very good suggestions from @MIDO and @CoCo

They might work better for you @HyperactiveNectar

I myself take an SNRI (desvenlafaxine). The SSRI do not help me and bupropion causes me anxiety. So an SNRI has been very effective for me.

Best wishes to you. I know you’ve been having a rough time.


Have you ever tried talking to a professional about life. I am very fortunate as now I have reconnected with somebody who I really enjoyed talking with. We can talk about anything from religion or politics to our dreams from our childhood. He is very open minded.

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Ive tried a fair few antidepressants and mood stabilizers and none of them do anything except maybe make me feel more numb emotionally. But they help some people. I think exercise and healthy eating among other real life changes are effective more me.

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