It’s on the news that the congress might send out another stimulus check…anyone else heard this?
yes but i don’t know for sure anything yet. judy
@jukebox, Since you’re good at playing guitar, have you ever thought of playing for money at an old folks home, or small venues?
If you charge a small fee like 25 dollars per gig, and if you do four gigs a month that would be an easy extra 100 dollars.
Just some food for thought.
I feel so lucky to have a job right now. Not sure for how long but I am able to save, which is awesome. Disability in my country is a joke.
I haven’t received the fist check yet.
Yeah. I am still waiting too
Me neither. They tell me to wait…
I’m hoping we get at least one more stimulus check although sad people getting sick and dying unemployed people going crazy hoarding.
I read something like $2000 a month. I’d feel bad too about taking the money when I lead a fairly comfortable life, but I’m not giving it back. The money would go into my savings.
I too haven’t received a stimulus check.
It would be awesome, but I’m not counting on it. I don’t know yet if there will be any classes for me to teach this summer. I have a feeling there won’t be, though, so I’m kinda screwed in the way of income for the next few months.
We got $750 in one payment and we get one on July the first for the same. Not complaining about that.
I would really love it @jukebox if it’s true, I could really use it. The first one went to pay off debt and the second one would go toward the same thing.
The house just passed a 2 trillion dollar bill. To put that in perspective, we spent 2 trillion on the war in iraq.
Pshhh it was reported as 3 trillion some weeks ago, tell that ■■■■■■■■■■■■ we want 300 trillion, one trillion per person of the U.S. at least, then we should feed them all that money.
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