When I reduced meds life got a lot more colourful and activities were fun and engaging. But I soon went a bit ill. Now on full meds the symptoms are under control but life is boring and bland.
Can’t concentrate on tv or movies enough to derive pleasure. No enjoyment from books. Music is still dear to me but that is about it.
In all seriousness I wonder if I would rather be unmedicated and ill but appreciating the richness of life rather than this. I just don’t know.
I know how this feels. It’s between going off meds feeling good for a while and going downhill… or staying on meds and working towards recovery and live independently as possible.
Am on depixol, seroquel, Prozac and pregabalin. Thing is I know from a lot of experience this is the only combination that gets rid of my delusions. But it leaves me like this. I don’t know what to do.