Angry Ladies

Annually i visit my parents for about a month.

This year we visited some really cool places close to their home in Oklahoma.

While at a museum honoring Native American culture,

I found an oddly inspiring image.

It was one of about 9 sculptures.

All depicting strong women of the time.

I was so happy to see that not a single one was smiling.

They were barefoot, carrying hatchets, and scowling.

Each on a different scenario,

But every single statue seemed to scream to me.

I’ve always hated being told to smile.

I’m pissed, why would I?

These ladies get it though.

Life is wild, sometimes you need to get angry and take action.

I loved every one of the ladies on display,

But my favorite was the one below.

She seemed so real.

You can’t see her face in the photo,

And i don’t think you need to.

She was snarling.

Not sad about her dead husband at her feet,

Or worried for the baby in her arms.

She’s taking a weapon and looking to her uncertain future defiantly.

Ready for anyone to come for her.

I can only image a pretty bleak fate,

But I’d bet she took some enemies to the grave with her.

You go, ■■■■■!


Nice to see you post! Hope you’re doing well man :grin:


My dad taught me when I was a young lad that “God hath no fury like a woman’s scorn.”



Hey, good to see you back, and with such an excellent post!

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Good to see you. Hope you’re good.

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@Charles_Foster have you ever been to the Cowboy Hall of Fame in OKC? what about the memorial? just wondered…there is a town in okla. if you google it that has an abundance of indigenous “rose rocks” you can put in a bag and take home with you…red clay rocks that looks like roses…

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We are interested in rose rocks but was told they are getting more and more rare.

Thanks for the information though.

I appreciate it.

We did go to the memorial on OKC.

Always super sad.

As well as Greenwood or Black Wall Street.

That also makes me cry every time.

But we’ll continue the hunt for rose rocks.


I cant help but think that if the pioneer women depicted in the statues were angry, the native american women of the time had alot more reason to be angry. :thinking:


They were not all pioneer women.

I just enjoyed that particular image.


That’s a beautiful statue. Even though she looks so sad, she has a quiet grace about her.

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