Amyloban 3399 (Lion's Mane) discussion

When have some infection WBC count increases. So an increased WBC count denotes some kind of infection body fighting of. Lione’s mane mushroom is a kind of fungus so it can cause allergic reactions, increased histamine etc and that might be the reason why WBC count increasing when taking it.

Listen. Liones Mane isnt actually healthy for your body at a cellular level. It’s not bad for you either. It doesnt really do anything on that front. But it cures this illness. It does. It really does.

The NGF increase doesn’t cure SZ. I’ve tried it for months and about 3 days after stopping the voices come back full force.

YES it does. That means you have to increase the dose you shouldnt have stopped you should have increased the dose.

I’ll try 9 pills a day for week. My thought broadcasting is pretty minimal so I should notice a difference

If there was a restorative factor the voices wouldn’t have come back so fast. I don’t think the NGF is the mechanism of action.

It is an anti-inflammatory though, that is probably the mechanism.

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It’s because you have to fully heal the brain you need to increase it if you stop they will come back.

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