Am I psychotic?

Sorry for my bad English

I think I am not psychotic this time a bunch of numbers began to call I installed Truecaller and they have the most stupid names ever I invented an idiot to my house and he connected a pendrive I have my private “dairy” where I write the most stupid garbage my mind can think of I think they hacked my computer and are reading my murderous stupid fanfics and know all the stupid crap I do besides I lowered my Zyprexa to 7.5 mg and dedicated a song to an anime character almost psychotic (or maybe rotting in loneliness no wonders if people do this to me) now I am on 10 mg Zyprexa and 10mg Abilify I think I am going to become the next Chris Chan a guy singed the same song I put en extract on my shitty private blog when walking with me hilarious they know my murderous comments on that blog I said I wanted to rape someone (a guy which is as worse as if he were a woman I am a girl) form that university there sucks to be me I HATE MY VIOLENT SCHIZOPHRENIA

They are going to publish it online and I am going to be the next Chris Chan I am sure of it

The number’s name is hilarious and stupid the one that has called me just now

I’m psychopath I know no wonders it sucks to be me

If you’re having violent thoughts and urges you need to go to the ER


They hacked my shitty blog! The crap on my head is going online!

Go to the ER. You need help


I have their numbers

Sucks to be me if I had taken 20 mg Zyprexa that shitty blog would not exist

Talk to your Dr, maybe go back to 20mg Zyprexa. Abilify was too weak for me, Latuda too.


I agree my pdoc should have never lowered my Zyprexa my violent schizophrenia got out of hand

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You don’t sound well at all. I can’t diagnose what’s wrong with you, but you should probably seek out emergency psychiatric treatment based on what you have shared.

Good luck!

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Yeah I regret my pdoc lowering my meds I hate it I don’t know if it is a violent schizophrenia or I’m just a disgusting psychopath but 20 mg Zyprexa erased almost all the evilness in me by sedating me.

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5mg risperidone fixed all my positive symptoms and violent thoughts plus actions. I am not evil anymore. I would rather have negative symptoms than being evil or dangerous and suicidal.

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Did you ever disclose these thoughts of rape to your Pdoc/therapist as was suggested in previous posts you have made? I think you need help working through these issues. If you are still hiding them from your treatment team, I think you should stop.


I talked about it with a private psychologist the hospital just told me that they cannot help me.

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