AI pinpoints where psychosis originates in the brain

“The abnormalities do not start when you are in your 20s; they are evident even when you are 7 or 8,” lead study author Kaustubh Supekar, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, said in a statement.


I used to hallucinate during these years of my childhood; I would see a cowboy sitting in a chair watching me sleep. Then I would have several other nighttime hallucinations, which eventually stopped when I turned about 10 years old. Afterwards, during middle school, I was delusional about several things and had it coincide with my severe OCD. But I wasn’t full on schizophrenic until I hit 15 with my first psychotic break. Since then I’ve had 4-5 breaks even with being medicated heavily for some of them. I would definitely say that schizophrenia starts when your young, but doesn’t manifest itself until something triggers the onset. But the inaugural symptoms very well might be when we’re a child.

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Yeah, but considering that AI can’t even get the number of fingers on a persons hand right half the time, I would postulate that there is about a 50/50 chance that that area of the brain could just as likely be related to your potential for breakdancing proficiency later in life.


Rofl. I’m just kidding.

I always knew I wasn’t all there as a kid, nobody noticed but I always knew looking back. I mean I thought the mother of my neighbour that bullied me was a demon and I bit her when she was watching over us at a church outing. Now, she totally deserved it as she was very mean to me in order to defend her child which, and I can’t stress it enough, bullied me heavily but still you don’t believe people are demons if you are perfectly sane.


This is great news, now if AI can give us a cure that would be awesome.


It’s a valid criticism of AI, and I worry about this in AI medical research too. I’ll explain my thinking. AI can’t get hands right because it’s trained on people’s random art on the internet. The random art has a lot of bad hands because it’s hard for random artists to draw hands.

Similarly, it’s hard for psychiatrists to get mental health diagnoses in real life right too. So if AI is trained on a lot of data where the patients are misdiagnosed you will get crazy results out of the AI too. It’s the old adage, garbage in garbage out.


I heard the cure is niacin (just kidding don’t believe that crap lol)

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Hey man… it’s seems like you follow the neuroscience of sz pretty closely. Have you ever study anything else about neuroscientist? I ask because I would like to know what you think about the free will debate? It confuses me a lot

I don’t know. Nobody knows. But at the end of the day quantum mechanics says reality is all just random probabilities.

If it’s based on probability reality can’t really be deterministic.

Just my opinion.

Yea… I’m an idiot but I have read a little about it and I think the Oxford handbook of free will said determinism was out do to quantum physics.

I have bought a couple of books I want to read but it’s pretty difficult for me to get through. I always ask everyone who’s interested in that stuff what they think lol

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Personally I don’t understand why people think having some sort of free will would be superior to what we have. We have a will, if it’s not free it’s not a limitation on us, it’s a limitation on the universe because my will is very clearly capable of impacting it and if it does so without being free it means it’s a fundamental component of reality like E = mc2, only much much more complex.

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Yea… I personally think some kind of separation from the laws of the universe is just a wrong way of thinking. I have read that knowing if we have free will could change how we think about criminal laws and even our beliefs about good and evil. I think those things would make a difference but I don’t know what actually being able to choose would look like. If there is free will it’s beyond our understanding at the moment…at least that’s how I see it :roll_eyes:

Even with free will in the mix the version of free will we subscribe to is way too aligned with time to make any sense, our Justice system is based on a universe where time doesn’t move forward until we’ve locked in an answer and that’s just not the case. The ability of our will to be properly expressed is limited greatly by time and the ability of our internal processes to keep up with it. Our choices aren’t independent either, personal responsibility is therefore way less relevant than we make it out to be. In Truth we have enough information about brain chemistry to basically say that our view of criminal fault is antiquated at best. We just don’t formalize the fact that we have no right to vilify criminals because punishing criminals is too convenient to give up on it, because the alternative is that we take collective responsibility for the actions of the few and everyone is too self-important to go “hey if dude such and such killed that kid WE did something wrong and WE need to change our ways”, it’s much more convenient to tackle the symptom than the disease and to shift the blame on those who commit heinous acts than on our much more excusable acts that collectively cause them.

Great article and share. It makes sense after reading it. I wish they could find a cure some day. I’m sure they got a lot of smart people working on it.


i have schizophrenia since i was born. i realized that lately after treatment and when i have insight about my illness.i wasn’t normal healthy kid at all.

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I follow except for the time part. Just message me if you have time to explain…I don’t want to derail the thread.