I am getting my second dose of my abilify injection tomorrow and I am terrified. I almost want to skip the whole appointment and never talk to my doctor ever again. Now I won’t do that because that is counter productive to me getting better but I am still so scared for tomorrow. Do you guys have any advice for getting it done? When I got my first dose in the mental hospital I was screaming and crying for hours after in full blown panic. I fear that will happen again. I know I’m okay after that time but something is telling me that this time is different…I don’t know. Any advice or tips?
Just think of how much better you will feel. Buy some paracetomal incase the injection site gets sore.
Its a neccasary evil we have togo thru every month lol.
Try not to worry - its just a jab. And i wouldnt start googling side-effects either - it may increase your anxiety. 99% of the time they are fine.
What’s so hard about getting an injection? I get one every month
I usually feel a little better after getting my injection, I get it done at my doctors office. Maybe it’s the setting that makes you anxious? or do you get anxiety about the actual injection itself? Honestly it shouldn’t affect you negatively, except for maybe some restlessness and agitation but it depends on the person. It’s more therapeutic than anything. I’m sorry you feel like this but I think the screaming/panic is coming from your symptoms and not the injection itself. I screamed after getting my first injection shortly after and it was SZ making me feel like that.
I’m sorry you have to go through that though, I know it’s terrifying but my injection has kept me out of the hospital for 5 years, so it works.
Goodluck friend!
it gets better @JarJarBinks
the first couple times are the worst and then you get used to it. I get 2 injections each month and it’s really helpful.
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