A question for the girls

Do you wear high heels?
Because I quit wearing them years ago - for my health. They’re hard on my back as well as feet. Even though I am small, I don’t regret it.


I almost never wear high heels anymore. I’ve switched to formal pumps. I figure, why torture myself?

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I figure pumps are still high heels but not as extreme.

I’m not a girl but I wear heels sometimes.

They do start to hurt after a while but they’re cute

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I don’t wear heels. It’s hard to find comfortable ones and I’m afraid I’m going to fall down. I love flat, comfy shoes.


Recently realised I never wore stilettos
No heel wearing I stopped age late twenties

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I wear lady Gaga shoes all the time.


I used to always wear high heels, now I can’t. I have some heels only 1-2 inches, and it’s hard to wear them.

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Do y’all actually wear SHOES? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I think I might’ve worn heels twice in my life. When I was a teen


I never wear high heels. I always wear comfy sports shoes.

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When going to nice places or just wanting to look nice, yep.

I’ve rarely worn them. I’m clumsy in them. I honestly look like a novice in them.

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I haven’t worn heals for years
Mainly because I don’t have office job and don’t go out socially. If I did go out I wear heels they look good on a girl

I only wear chunky ones :smiley: but I’m saving them for when I’m 51kg

I never wore heels because I’m too tall and don’t want to be taller

Give me a pair of converse any day :joy: it would have to take something special to get me in heels these days

I have a pair of gothic shoes that are my favourite and they have a tiny heel.

I used to wear stilettos sometimes but not anymore.

Being comfortable is most important to me.

Daily I wear thongs or sneakers and if I’m going out somewhere I will wear my gothic shoes that have the little comfortable heel.

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I’m a flip flops girl :laughing: and sometimes wear ballerina pumps as well

On special occasions, I’ll wear wedges but not traditional heels. Usually I’m in sneakers