A Poem: Seriously

I’m sad,
I’m happy,
It’s best not to take sadness too seriously,
It never lasts.


I like this poem @everhopeful.

How are you feeling lately?


Words to live by.

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Hey Turtle I’m just going through protracted Clonazepam withdrawal. It’s not too bad, but I’ll be glad when it’s over or gets less intense.

How’s the stopping of codeine going? I hope you’re managing ok. Make sure to let the doctor know the last time you took it. You definitely don’t want to be on something that expects it to be out of your system when it’s not.

I’m going ok. It’s very hard though so I feel for you going through Clonazepam withdrawals. Today I have to go to a lunch with Mr Turtle’s family and I really want to get high to deal with it.

I hope you’re feeling better soon @everhopeful


It’ll get easier as time goes on. It might take a few months for you to agree, but that’s not a long time really.

You’ll probably have a good time at lunch too.

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