That last one is giving me cyborg Cleopatra
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So cool i didnt know i could do this until today
Yes the last one is my favorite I think that it could actually be a really nice piece if I worked on the just a little bit and maybe a chain in the back to connect the choker
Oh wow im scared my mind would be too influenced by it tho
I may end up watching it lol
What program do you use?
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DALL·E 2 from open ai
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This one is nice. I would wear it.
It is beautiful and I like gemstone stuff. Looks like a rain drop (blessing) or a tear.
Oh you like that round was sort of ended up being Elven or something I like it
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I discovered a website that if you supply them with drawings they will make 3D models for printing from so it’s possible I could actually make a whole jewelry line from home
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Yea it’s totally beautiful
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I have to say artificial intelligence is an invaluable resource I cannot believe I was able to permutate as much as I did today and what it affords me in thought is just amazing