A Brief History of Schizophrenia

Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) did much to popularize the concept of a ‘split personality’, sometimes also referred to as ‘multiple personality disorder’ (MPD). However, MPD is a vanishingly rare condition that has nothing to do with schizophrenia. The vast majority of psychiatrists, myself included, have never come across a case of MPD, and many suspect that the condition does not even exist.


Thanks for sharing. I enjoy history.

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Interesting to read the origin of the word schizophrenia, though its a bit vague - split mind refers to a ‘loosening of thoughts and feelings.’ Hm that doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me. But it doesnt seem to mean a split from reality, as some people believe.


Well, if we consider the impermanence of the causes of this disease, then how are we to say that the current model is an accurate depiction of what causes schizophrenia?

It could be a lack of, or more of, a chemical in the blood, it could be related to the gut, to the diet, etc, etc…or there could be a spiritual component after all is said and done, as well. Who knows, how are we to say, when we were clearly 20, 50, 100, and a 1000 years ago completely incorrect?

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