A bit annoyed and worried at the same time

  1. My uncle, aunt and cousins came over last night to visit me and my grandma. At one point during the visit, my uncle said to me and my grandma “You guys need a TV in this room. Its awkward when no one talks and its quite in here. There’s no point in us visiting if its like this” … wtf? Seriously dude?

First of all, you guys are contributing to the quiteness when no one talks and its silent. Why is it on me to be the only one to speak? This guy knows i’m not very social. Even then I do still make attempts to create conversation, I ask all of them questions, trying to start a conversation. Im kinda pissed off to be honest. And after they left my grandma said she was really upset with my uncle and that she was worried her son wont come visit anymore. She loves being around people so it bothered her. Next time they come over I think im just going to stay upstairs, by myself…

  1. Now to why im worried. About an hour ago, my grandma made us a grilled cheese sandwich. I ate it, went to the kitchen to throw out the paper plate and noticed my grandma completely forgot to turn the stove off.

She does this sometimes, and its got me paranoid that shes going to burn the house down one day. She is very old at 81 years old. Her mom had dementia before she died too.

I guess on a positive note, last night was the 3rd night of me taking a lowered olanzapine dose (2.5 mg) and I slept really good!

Im going to lift weights and use the treadmil downstairs today. That should put me in a better mood.

Thanks for reading my rant.

Happy Canada day :canada:


my mom does this sometimes, too. I’ve had to turn off the stovetop a couple times because she forgot. I’m worried, like you, something might happen if she keeps forgetting

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Tell the uncle you accept his offer to buy you and your grandmother a new TV and act really excited about it.

He will never bring it up again.


Im sorry man. Definitely keep an eye on it.

It sucks that our brains decline as they get older. Maybe one day in the next 10 to 30 years they will have a cure for memory loss.


That’s genius. I should of said that. If he brings it up again, im saying that!



Hope it works for you.

I love being confrontational so these situations are what I live for.




In regards to your grandma, maybe it’s time to start saying Grandma, let me cook for us, and start preparing all the meals from now on.

In re the tv, I think @Charles_Foster is a genius!

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I also think Charles Foster is a genius!

What a coincidence!


Lmao!!! 15151515