80% of us hear voices

I hope to God the Abilify is blocking me from going psychotic again and luckily I haven’t gone psychotic since I started taking the Abilify. So basically I stay on in fear that if I go off that potentially I’d have a break


How long have you been on?

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But it does nothing for my voices
Has given me side effects that are annoying
And I can’t sleep without high dose of cannabis

A year and a half

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That’s pretty damn good. Sounds like the Abilify is doing something for you for sure. I’m glad you havent been in psychosis in so long.

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Thank you, but it’s not all bad. In the long run it made me more resistant to fear, taught me to fight off everyday fears I can wrestle and save my time being afraid only for when I can’t help it lol


Love that outlook. I should take it up. I don’t struggle so much with paranoia anymore but I do struggle with everyday fears like driving to new places which I have to do today. Yikes!

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I hear voices almost never and only near sleep and when I do I know exactly the specific parts of what I perceive as my brain that are acting up, usually they are tied with a sense of relaxation in the back of the head, I shut them off, cause me a little very aimed headache to drive the point home and engage whatever was relaxed and they just vanish.

So far I’ve always stopped them awfully easily before they could finish half a sentence, sometimes I don’t even get a little sting of lingering pain from where the voice used to be. I use the same method I use for my own thoughts when I really want to underline that I am not having them, turns out voices for me are much easier to shut off that way than thoughts.

The hallucinations I have more trouble with are functional hallucinations, the smaller the change the harder they are for me to identify and shut off. Sort of an I can’t fight what I don’t see type of deal, with them I’ve settled on training them on what’s acceptable and what’s not and simply removing the stimulus when they are beyond control and acting up.

No voices or hallucinations ever.

Isn’t it weird the same diagnosis is used for voices, sights, and delusions? And the same meds are used to treat them? :thinking:

Not necessarily. All the disorders have neurotransmitter imbalance in common which is what the psych meds mainly adresses.

If 80% of people with sz hear voices, that means 20% don’t. So it’s very possible to have sz without hearing voices

Trazodone is also an anti depressant off label for sleep.

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Yeah I’ve taken it for sleep a long time ago. But it would give me vivid nightmares.

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And the more you complain about being ill, the more well people think you are. @OrdinaryWeather


The cannabis is contributing to your voices.

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Yeah maybe
But the treatment is making me ill.
Cannabis is helpful to me in many ways

I have always had the notions that I’m hearing voices but never an actual voice.

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Whether or not you hear voices doesn’t affect your diagnosis

My voices came from stressors. I still get the occasional voice where it’s unintelligible just a bunch of chatter. But the invega has helped a lot.

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Does weed not make your symptoms worse?