7 days of heroin

Oh god, please don’t do heroin.


My ex and an uncle tried it. Breaks my ■■■■■■■ heart. Thankfully both are now clean

Heroin is horrible. Tried it a few times up the nose. Pain killers are far cleaner and safer because of dosage. I’m not condoning the usage just stating heroin is horrible and dirty

I don’t even take Advil. lol I can’t stand that junk

I meant prescription opiates lmao

I was a heroin addict for about 5 years and thankfully i got clean and have not touched the stuff in over 16 years. I have lost several friends to overdoses it truly is a horrible evil drug.


Prettiest girl I saw growing up became a junkie. Sad as shite…she wasn’t too smart but pretty as sin. Saw a facebook photo of her now after years on hard drugs…so sad.

I knew I could never do heroin. I’d like it all too much how I did other drugs…sometimes you’ve just got to draw a line in the sand…there’s nothing remotely redeeming about herion addiction.


That sounds like the name of a Christmas album.


lol @SunLion…not funny…but funny too


I have no pre-disposition to opiate/opioids

in fact depressants are just not my thing!!!

no recreational use from benzos, never tried barbituates, hated opioids, and alcohol although my favorite of the deadly 4, I hate as well.

I’m more into the psychedelic drugs such as LSD, marijuana, magic mushrooms, ecstasy, molly, DMT, ayahuasca, mescaline and even ketamine ive done twice and enjoyed

but im sober today and (and the last 5 days) and that’s what matters!!!

I’ve lost 7 acquaintances to heroin overdose the last 2 1/2 years. its an epidemic. I don’t get why people do it unless prescribed pain pills first and become addicted. But to do opiates for recreational use right off the bat??? That’s suicide of the soul in this lifetime.

Interesting fact. Heroin is in fact a trade name. You could buy bottles of heroin for coughs.