3 Positives #2

Walked my brothers dogs.

Had a quick dip.

The ones prancing around “I’m better than you” and won’t let me do pump are like toddlers throwing tantrums.
Why don’t they want me to exercise?
They succeeded in stopping me from pump but Good thing is I believe I can pump again.

Volunteer worked.
Love da ladies I volunteer with.
They are great.

Bought dog food and poo bags and dog food was on special.

Gave away second hand clothes.

Walked my brothers dog.

Managed to do pump.


Had a large cappuccino
Went for a 30 minute walk
Finished a book

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Walked my brothers dogs.

Did some grocery shopping.

Watched some episodes of a great series called andra avenyn .

  1. Saw biathlon on TV
  2. Are at my parents gonna eat dinner
  3. Gonna do meditation tonight
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Got glittery nails.

Got some groceries.

Got my paintings.

Wrote my brother-in-law a letter

Cleaned up my apartment some

Bathed and shaved

Ate more responsibly and looking at calories I’m doing about 2000 which isn’t too bad.

I went for a jog and did other exercise.

Went for a cycle and averaged 20km/h over a 10 km circuit. Getting ripped for the new year.

  • for the first time in my life, ive been genuinely interested to socialize
  • i had some tea and got to sit outside
  • my bird gave me affection and made new sentences

My Cowculator says I saved 548 lives.

My nails are glittery.

Got dolled up a bit today.


I watched inception

I made a whole chicken in the oven for the first time in my life (made it alone) and it came out perfect!

I organized my phone and cleaned out year worth of garbage and bad photos

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  1. Donated a significant portion of resources that I had controlled in an attempt to save the world of human beings at risk of Malaria due to mosquito bites and exposure. So, eff you, random nurse who reported 10 years ago that I was going to “save the world” and omitting that I said “save myself, then…”. And to the review tribunal that may have viewed that as a symptom of mental illness… Eff you too.

  2. Cried after witnessing some Iraqi journalists/randoms get gunned down by helicopter fire (apparently that was the sanitized video). Reminded me that I’m human and so is everybody else.

  3. Cleaned up my league of legends contact list! Much cleaner now! :slight_smile:


Had a lovely family breakfast.

Got to hold my baby nephew.

Had lovely kisses with my new boyfriend.


Planning to get a smaller bed so I can do yoga in my room
Had a relaxing coffee
Went for nearly 3 hour walk


I had a bowel movement.:partying_face::metal:t5:

I walked my brothers dogs.

I had a quick dip.


Walked my brothers dogs.

My sacred neigh had her injection.

Had a ultrasound and it’s nice to have had it done and not have to worry about doing it.


Went for a ride on my sacred neigh.:two_hearts:

Had a chia pudding.

Met a new girl who was nice.


im making progress on my work

my art seems to have improved

my bird has been super happy and easy to talk to today


Walked my brothers dogs.

Had a dip.

Managed to do pump.
I was unable to do it lately so proud I finally managed but was more difficult due to absence.