"who would you rather be?" (game)

You have to make a choice and you have to explain why you chose the answer. I will start it off…

"who would you rather be…Marilyn Monroe or Katherine Hepburn?

Hahaha, I like Julia Roberts…Her big smile with wavy blonde hair was like sunshine which was heartwarming…

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My friend Ann was a laborer all her life, and now she cannot work anymore and she has no money. She gets dunning calls from creditors all day long. She feels crushed.

I asked her if she would rather be me. She said, “Well, yes and no,” and that left me wondering what she meant. Do you think it is a picnic to have schizophrenia?


Marilyn Monroe because she wasn’t a raging feminazi and experienced mental illness secondhand.

Would you rather be Brittany Spears or Lindsey Lohan?

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Britney Spears bc i kind of grew up with her in the charts and she is a bit like one of the spice girls in a way lol i remember she shaved her head and people still joke about that saying ‘are you going to do a Britney’ whenever they feel bad and are going for a hair cut.

how about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny…?

Santa Clause because I love Christmas more than Easter.

Who would you rather be…? Abraham Lincoln or JFK?

Katherine Hepburn

that choice has already been taken…the current who would you rather be is Abraham Lincoln or JFK…

OH! Oop…JFK.

macy’s or bergdorff goodman?"???

you didn’t listen to the rules of the game…you have to choose one of the specified people as your choice, explain why you chose and then make up two more people. from your choice of people for the game I would say you are trying to wreck my game?

Okay okay sorry no way man, okay you want me to choose a guy I chose JFK

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explain why you chose JFK and then make up another pair of people?

it’s not like made up it’s clothing company, which would you rather be or like work for?? Macy’s is a clothing company, so is bergdorff goodman. I’m sorry I was just confused by the rules.

dude, no worries? I was thinking I didn’t say the rules good enough is all…try to maybe choose some people that people would know? You can’t say “macy’s” because it’s not a person.

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Hugo Chavez…or Vladamir putin??

ugh, I choose Chavez…good pairing !! I would choose anyone over Putin almost…

who would you rather be? John Wayne or James Stewart?

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John Wayne!! 15 characters.

Miyamoto Musashi or Sun Tzu?

(crickets are chirping…)