What is your current medication regiment?

Clozaril 550mg, Haldol 4mg, Latuda 80mg. Not wanting to change my antipsychotics at all right now.
Topiramate 400mg and Vimpat 300mg for seizures. Hoping to lower the topiramate when I see the neurologist this week.


Seroquel, Geodon, Lexapro, Neurorontin, Klonopin, Metformin, Lovaza, Percocet, Toprol, Vit D, and Folic Acid. After years of taking psych meds and being overweight I need meds for my physical symptoms. I take a lot of pills a day, but Iā€™m thankful that they are available. I also receive unilateral ECT treatments every 6 weeks. :sunny:

zyprexa, effexor, lithium, neurontin, a small amount of risperdal to control my eating

synthroid glipizide, metformin, norvasc, lisenopril, fenofibrate, atorvastatin,

The psych meds have kept me stable + comfortable when Iā€™m by myself. Aot of my medical conditions are probably caused by the psych meds. Iā€™ve always said quality of life is more important to me than quantity.

Although the blood sugar levels look good, my ability to walk is deterioraring from diabetes.

I have many things Iā€™d like to do but so far thatā€™s not happening.

Zyprexa. I donā€™t have any significant hallucinations anymore. I havenā€™t for awhile. The paranoia is moderate when Iā€™m home and high when I have to leave the house.

Risperdone 1.5mg before bed.

Risperdal consta 25 mgs. It is ok/good for some things and not others.

I canā€™t remember very well. But I think Risperdal was the first thing they ever tried with me. It made me have to move all the time. I had all these different rubber balls that I had to toss and catch all the time. It was horrible. They gave it to me when I was in a hospital. I thought I was just so antsy because I was locked up.

However, when they switched me to the next one, Serequel I think, I didnā€™t need to move around like that. Iā€™m glad to hear it works for you though. It strikes me as odd that so many different SZs are on so many different drugs. Brain chemistry is a funny thing I guess.

I am in abilify 5mg,sodium valproate 200mg also mirtazapine 30mg,I feel sleepy though,but my personal medication is going out with people or go to support group,haha

Latuda 160 mg, B12 1000 mcg, Magnesium 400 mg, Buspirone 10 mg/3 times, Vistaril 25 mg/4 times, Wellbutrin 150 mg XR, Lamictal 550 mg (200 mg in the morning and 350 mg at bedtime), Prazosin 4 mg, and other meds not being taken for psychiatric reasons.

Geodon 120mg, Xanax 1mg 3x a day, Propanolol 80mg ER

Itā€™s as good as it gets. Geodon must be taken with food twice a day, one 60mg capsule with breakfast and dinner, which is annoying, and then the xanax is needed to keep my mind straight and my akathisia from Geodon under control, without it I think about anything and everything all at once and my left leg moves on its own. Propanolol treats my akathisia, anxiety and blood pressure, it keeps my blood pressure and heart rate down so I cant panic or become enraged, but the downside is that it makes me a little faint when I workout and I have to sit down whenever I feel faint, like after a heavy set of rows or after a set on the leg press machine, I feel a little faint and have to sit down.

But these meds all work. As long as I take them, I am not psychotic and I function very highly, uncannily highly- some people have downplayed my illness because I never dropped out of school. All of the people who saw me before I got on meds say that I was a different person back then. I did stay in school, but I cut a lot of class and was abusing the living hell out of alcohol and tobacco. I attempted suicide too. One of my old friends came to visit during winter break during the year of psychosis and he couldnt bear to see me, he said he had to leave. This past year he heard I was all better and we hungout all day every day. Then at spring break he came back to town and we resumed hanging out all day every day. My doctors say I am a different person too. My uncle said the whole family knew something was seriously wrong with me before I had a clue. I just wasnt myself.

Schizophrenia can be beat with medications. I strongly believe in psychiatry, I think that there is some combination of medications out there to treat people enough to relieve suffering- it might not turn you into what looks like a healthy person from the outside, but I do believe that we are not in the era of waking nightmares anymore. There is something out there to ease the pain. Now I know that my case is the treatable kind- I have low negative symptoms and strong positive symptoms- and I have paranoid schizophrenia, which is not as debilitating as the other types- so donā€™t think that you should expect to be 99% recovered.

It has to do with your case of schizophrenia. My case is the treatable kind. I live well and dont take it for granted. I want to get a doctorate in psychology and be a great person, not a good person by the age of thirty. I had a six hour talk with a friend of mine who is also on Geodon and goes to my school- he told me that he knows that I have the potential to be great. He himself is highly functioning like I am, he works and is a full time student. He pointed out that I do whatever I put my mind to- like the unnatural things I have done in the weight room while on three sedating medications and my GPA- he told me that I have a shot at making schizophrenia look good and to save lives. He was deadly serious.

I have a lot going for me, I was a type A military brat who had a 3.9 at an international high school when this illness struck me. I was planning on joining ROTC and becoming an officer. I was a very skilled and in shape martial artist in high school. I didnt drink or smoke back then, and sure as hell didnt do drugs. Then it hit me halfway through my senior year and everyone was aware that something was terribly wrong with me, the token beefcake military brat was skinny, smoking pot and cigarettes every night and failing honors physics. I had trouble communicating and seemed moody and depressed, and I lost a staggering 40lbs of muscle. I passed my classes and graduated. My friends were concerned and two of my very good friends came over one night and asked me about the conspiracies I had been talking about. They told me that they knew I was schizophrenic in less than thirty seconds a year later.

Its been one hell of a ride through insanity, substance abuse, a true waking nightmare, what people call paranoid schizophrenia and what I call hell. I scored highly for trauma when I was formally evaluated. I am lucky to have passed the survival stage and been treading deeper into recovery for a good while. I donā€™t accept just surviving, I want to live well. Some people are supportive, some people are not. I have to be careful whom I invest my time and energy into, some people are negative. I recently left a powerlifting gym because I was disliked and didnt fit in there, that and powerlifting is insane and I dont need any more insanity. A bisexual recovered paranoid schizophrenic has no business being around a bunch of Christian juicers who rant about gun rights and how liberals need to die. LOL

But medication is maybe 75% of the battle. Insight into our illness is the rest. Once you recognize symptoms for just ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  and good for nothing, you will feel better and it makes you suffer less. Listening to voices, giving into delusions, letting paranoia keep you from doing things and leaving the house is all not good and needs to go. I am a psychology major so I have strong insight.

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Abilify, Trilafon, and Luvox with an assortment of meds thrown in for physical ailments.

I take clozapine 250 mg/day, zoloft 75 mg/day, Omega 3 fatty acids (1590 mg/day of EPA and 270 mg/day of DHA). Sometimes I also sometimes take aripiprazole 2,5 mg/day. Best regards.

zyprexa 15mg, seroxat 40mgā€¦14 years

Abilify 15mg and Lexapro 20mg.

I feel okay, been pretty stable for years. Very anxious and generally uneasy though. My new doctor wants to lower the Abilify and seems interested in prescribing a benzo again for the anxiety, the anxiety is pretty bad, itā€™s been worse, much worse, but itā€™s bad.

I will just mention the psych meds - Risperdal - Lamictal - Klonopin

Prescribed Lamictal, Seroquel, Haldol injection

Take Haldol Injection, Multi-Vitamin and trying Alpha Brain

Probably wonā€™t take the Haldol injection.

Meds are evil.

For me, Iā€™m now on 650 mg of Seroquel, 20 mg of Prozac and 1 mg Clonazepam a day. Itā€™s so interesting how the combinations work for some; and for those who havenā€™t found the right mix yet, this thread hopefully provides some ideas to discuss with the doc. Some doctors didnā€™t like me taking an active role in my treatment meds-wise but eventually a dynamic formed and being an active patient with access to these forums and threads like this one hopefully helps us stay healthy and/or moving forward. As always, thanks so much for the input everyone.

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Iā€™m also taking Spirilina, among other things:

Mine tonight -

I feel the same way. I have the voices and most times I can ignore themā€¦certain situations bring them out more, like when Iā€™m nervous about something or Iā€™ve learned I have heightened activity a week or couple days before that time of the month.