Schizophrenic "options."

Here are the options:

Behavior changes
Birth defects
Blood disorders
Blurred vision
Cardiac arrest
Death from liver failure
Excessive weight gain
Fatal blood clots

Heart arrhythmia
Heart failure
Heart palpitation
Involuntary movements
Manic reaction
Mood changes
Muscle spasms

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Sexual dysfunction
Slow/difficult speech
Suicidal thoughts
Tardive Dyskinesia
Weight gain
Yellowing of skin/eyes

11,187 cases of diabetes mellitus
7,266 cases of weight increased
5,434 cases of death
5,054 cases of insomnia
4,386 cases of pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
4,236 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus
3,940 cases of somnolence
2,876 cases of tremors
2,862 cases of anxiety
2,735 cases of malaise (unease or discomfort)

17 warnings on antipsychotics causing heart problems
15 warnings on antipsychotics causing death/sudden death
9 warnings on antipsychotics causing weight gain
8 warnings on antipsychotics causing involuntary movements or movement disorders
7 warnings on antipsychotics causing strokes
7 warnings on antipsychotics causing withdrawal symptoms
6 warnings on antipsychotics causing convulsions, seizures or tremors
5 warnings on antipsychotics causing diabetes
5 warnings on antipsychotics causing birth defects
4 warnings on antipsychotics causing agitation
1 warning on antipsychotics causing mania and psychosis
1 warning on antipsychotics causing sexual dysfunction

18 studies on antipsychotics causing diabetes or other metabolic problems
16 studies on antipsychotics causing weight gain/obesity
15 studies on antipsychotics causing death or increased mortality
9 studies on antipsychotics causing heart problems
4 studies on antipsychotics causing strokes
3 studies on antipsychotics causing Parkinson’s Disease
3 studies on antipsychotics having lack of efficacy
3 studies on antipsychotics causing cognitive decline or impairment
2 studies on antipsychotics causing brain shrinkage
2 studies on antipsychotics causing seizures or convulsions
2 studies on antipsychotics causing lowered bone mineral density
1 study on antipsychotics causing violence and homicidal ideation
1 study on antipsychotics causing psychosis and delusional thinking
1 study on antipsychotics causing tumors
1 study on antipsychotics causing birth defects
1 study on antipsychotics causing coma
1 study on antipsychotics causing sexual dysfunction

Which medicine should i go with here? They are wanting to try me on another now, but which one, so many to choose from you know, tough decision here.

The world is just full of options isn’t it, so many options down here.

Well, i better get cleaned up. I want to be presentable for my disease that never stops don’t i. Gotta get washed up so i can suffer forever and have nothing forever.

As if you couldn’t consider this ■■■■ terminal?! ■■■■■■■■!

Only one thing worse than these drugs poisoning you to death and that is psychosis, shits that bad actually, you’d know what i meant if they were in your head, you’d stay away from there at all costs.

You know there is actually a video on youtube entitled “why do schizophrenics smoke?” Isn’t if ■■■■■■■ obvious? Not obvious at all? You have to ask that question? Well i wonder, beats me.

This is powerful. Wish there were awareness campaigns that started out like that. People don’t even know, and labs are lying about the amount of negative side effects so they can sell their medications.

But they’re a necessary evil. Without medication…most schizophrenics end up hospitalized and trapped inside their mind.

My option is I either unload my mental self on you guys or…

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Cigarettes are the gentleman’s suicide.

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Yeah, these drugs are the last resort and always should be.

What sucks is i took them and they were great for awhile and they are to this day better than psychosis, which really looked alot like demonic possession, and they got their stupid research done but now im very sick from them and they won’t let me out.

Euthanasia should be an option for people like me.

So if i don’t want to suffer more ill be hanging from a tree.