Psychological warfare

Well yeah I’ve pretty much accepted that my mind and therefore my internal experience is ■■■■■■ for good.

I still do alright in conversation. Still capable of learning. Keeps me in a passive state but that’s alright with me.

I fluctuate between being delusional and not being delusional or preoccupied with the illness.

Letting my mind drift is pretty cool. Sometimes it’s almost like a dream. I once had a 3 minute commercial for an elliptical machine play out.

Just a bunch of odd random ■■■■. Keeps the voices quiet though. Takes me away from everything. It’s easier then suppressing the urge to think.

Dude that’s crazy insightful.

It’s holding controversial believes that leads to paranoia.

Grandiose self views can also create a divide between an individual and literally every other human on the planet. Can also lead to paranoia.

Add thought broadcasting to that mix and it makes it tough to do anything. Hallucinations of telepathy on top of that and you can no longer shake the belief.

Get in that deep and then the only thing that can bring you comfort is trying to see it’s not real and beyond that no one is special and no one cares. Even if it is real.

For me I’m just totally ■■■■■■■ lost after this psychosis. I can’t remember what happens in a normal mind. I’ve tried to become more simple minded and it’s worked to some extent but constantly trying to push an adaptation is a lot of work and it is pretty stressful.

This is all off topic now, but it’s all about getting comfortable with the experience and feeling safe.

These people are connected through their societal conformity but even in that there is a lot of variance.

I just got lost in trying to learn as much as could about this place. It’s a pretty odd place.

Honestly I’m glad I developed the illness, can’t change it anyway. Ive learned a lot through the experience.

Met some good people too.

In the conspiracy theory litterature, mickey mouse himself stands a good place as a PSYOPS directed towards children.

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Yeah , mouse , review the meds and your schedule , it does sound like your in the relapse zone. Can you reach out to anyone? Have you being taking all your meds?

Also how many hours of sleep are you getting a night?


Nope. Wish I was Still naive stupid and brain Entranced. I want to take my country for granted and feel no feelings of torture. I want to know nothing and presume a delicate balance of peace. I want to not give a ■■■■.

NM here is all those 25 thousand pages in a nutshell: trauma based programming in order to test the mind’s efficacy in some cases to create an assassin. It’s electronic torture coupled with pleasure or a reward system for being abused.

When a person finds out they are in the program they are suicidal for a long time. Because it was so natural like breathing becoming aware.

It was the nicotine withdrawal, I cut half a patch and put it on

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I agree… but only superficially. Authoritarianism and unquestioning, emotion-powered leader-following seem to be pandemic. And one can see (if one looks) that the eyeballs at the top of the various pyramids (like the one on the green side of dollar bills) get along fine if their interests are well-matched. (E.g.: Stalin used Roosevelt and vice-versa to beat down the worse threat at the time. The Bushs and the Saudis have gotten on well for three generations even though their religions are mutually anathemic.) My gang vs. your gang… but we’re all in it for the mulah.

Bingo! Unfortunately the leaders we pay to follow are mostly sociopaths and psychopaths by definition. And those of us who dissent from the “norm” are marginalized and considered unpatriotic.

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There is a groundbreaking mindfudge of an anime called Psycho-Pass which is all about

that. I cant spoil it but its all about that.


Mr . president this country is no longer? We are operating against human rights and principles of a just society. Ignore land.

I’ve never watched anime but it sounds amazing from what I’ve just read.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.

Goes beyond sz.

Societal control is a real thing for sure.

People are stupid though, they know it and accept that’s how the world should be.

There is a battle on the inside though. Trending controversial artists and musicians and talk on YouTube and the Internet.

It’s not a totalitarian thing. No one is going to get executed for what they think.

Really the strongest pillar of traditionalism is religion. Keeps people focused on a different world view. Most of them are sheltered from really getting to know this place. That’s the population that wins election regardless of how much noise the others make.

Give it 80 years. Things will change.

There are so many cultural arguments that keep people from questioning things ignorance is a protected and acceptable trait. You’ll get along better with most people if you go to school and church and never question anything. That’d be a boring ass life for me…

Now that I think about it I’m still bored as hell lol.

Least my conversations are better and more relevant than that lot.

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I notice nobody will respond to me. It’s because dismissal is easier though you go on about injustice.

Anyway at least sarad is happy I’m being ignored and really its all about her anyway.

Well your posts were to strongly affirmed of the delusion. The conversation had taken a step back from that.

It’s quite good. Currently working on Season 2.



Because you’re not in my shoes has never meant anything to people who don’t discriminate.

I am not sure how to respond to your posts other than to suggest you may want to schedule an appointment with your medical team. You seem to be crossing the line into unreality. You can also be a bit, erm, volatile, which is another reason for trepidation.

Sarad isn’t even in this thread and she has actually cranked it back a bit in her participation. Would be appreciated if you could meet her halfway and do the same.

Edit: By ‘cranked it back’ I meant to say, she is stirring the pot less, not posting less. Sorry for not being clear about that.

(Wearing moderator hat)