Mental damage and garbage quotes reason and truth revealed

Mental damage and garbage quotes reason and truth revealed.

Why is the paper not blank? Because Life doesn’t know that the paper is supposed to be blank and Life wrote something. No, the paper is not blank because Life knows something and Life wrote on paper to shower us with wisdom.

There is correct existence, wrong existence and not existing. Not existing is, unable to exist or taking action not to exist or reacting and thus not existing or not knowing and unable to choose to exist. Wrong existence is unable to be correct existence or unable to know and choose the correct existence or not choosing the correct existence or at least not avoiding the wrong existence. Correct existence is being correct or knowing and choosing deviation from being correct must not happen.

By Sleeping idiot known as Sagar Gorijala.

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I have told u…u will come back…!!! What are u upto…???

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I am happy I finally found the truth. And, gladly revealed it.


Are u on medication or not…???

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Taking 20 mg olanzapine only when delusions are too much, like once every 10 or 20 days.

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Do as u wish …!!! But never self medicate…its dangerous…!!!

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Meds don’t work that way, if you don’t take them everyday, as advised by your pdoc, they are useless.


The only real truth is that existence exists


and that non existence doesn’t exist. that’s parmenides.

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I’m not sure because you can’t prove non existence

if existence exists then non existence doesn’t. it’s logical.

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non existence is not absolute, it is relative, like our perfect health is non existing

like perfection or being present minded in so and so event can’t be happening always and all ways so relatively

non existing

I don’t agree with you Sagar and you contradict yourself.
You wrote in the past that living is winning.
I fully agree with that, and it contradicts what you wrote here about wrong existence.
There is no wrong existence,
every form of existence is superb.

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Not really, your playing with symantics. It’s not possible to know if there is anything that doesn’t exist. The multiverse theory implies everything that can exist does exist

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While you exist somewhere in some form in some mood, relatively other forms are non existing,

our results — particular results are non existing

There is nothing that doesn’t exist, because it doesn’t exist. :slight_smile:

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so you are saying that there is only existence.

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nothing – nothingness is a relative form – never absolute.

Same for creation and destruction

1 doesn’t become zero or another number

and zero doesn’t become 1 or another number

and only artists can create and destroy

or we can destroy something

or a builder or similar

absolutely nothingness+creation+destruction are impossible

I’m saying is that we know we exist because we are aware. I think therefor I am.