How much power

Do you put in everything you have towards getting better


Do you just let schizophrenia take over your life



Not even going to answer that,

Too real for a lazy Sunday morning…


I let sz ruin my life. I have no motivation and no joy in life.

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Dont even think about it would take over you. You just keep taking medicine and see the doctor regularly and be honest about your symptoms to doctor. Thats how you can win against to it!!


the most important thing is to maintain the will to live.
My health may make me incapacitated but I try to maintain my will to live.


For many years schizophrenia ruled my life. I have lost too many years to this illness. In the last few months I have finally found a med combo that controls my symptoms without turning me into a zombie. I eat as healthily as possible, walk every day, and am slowly rebuilding my life. It takes effort and hard work, but I have finally realised that the illness does not have to rule me and I can find peace and enjoyment in life. Things may never be perfect or even ‘normal’, but I am putting everything into my recovery and slowly reaping the rewards. It has taken me 20 years to get to this stage, I thought it would never happen, I hope that shows others that there is always hope.