How do you cope with suicidal thoughts and behaviour ?-study(UK)

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I cope by pushing myself as close to death as I can without actually dying


Uhhhh usually by changing my situation so I’m not alone until the feelings pass. I go stay at home with my family or once I did PHP so I would be at that all day.

When the voices start telling me to die, be rid of myself, I listen to funky music and burn incense. You’d be surprised how well music works to drown out the voices, and smells can make you feel so much better.

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"How do you cope with suicidal thoughts and behaviour ?"
medication and weaning off bad activities.

I try to distract myself. I quite frequently feel overwhelmed with a very painful past that seems to haunt me. I don’t have the answer. I share the question but for me, I try to distract myself by watching TV or surfing or something.

Lay down, pull the covers over my head and sleep until that feeling goes away.

i despise violent death and thats what suicide is
after i adopted this view i didint have problems with suicidal thoughts
i want to live as long as i can now
■■■■ suicide

take tylenol to cut out any headaches or anything that’s bothering me. Smell something nice to calm myself down. Focus on the present by doing something like reading or playing a game to distract myself. Sleep or lie in bed and try to relax with the fan on.