Hard for me to stay sober but

i’m gonna keep going to AA.

I had 2 beers last night and 1 1/2 tonight (I spilled one so I only had 1 1/2)

they also were only 4 % alcohol

but I’m gonna keep going to AA

my sponsor is the MAN. I don’t know when I’m gonna tell him I’m drinking a little. But I think he’ll be understanding and give the best advice you can possibly give.

but I’m gonna go to AA like 5 times a week at least

its hard :sob:

I don’t like it as much as weed so its not as bad…im happy I broke that cycle cuz it was killing me

I dunno all you can do is take it 1 day at a time because If I think too much about my environmental studies majoring and school in January it will cause me to anxiety and make me go over the deep end

put too much pressure on myself

gosh I’m a terrible human being (I don’t really think this) but it is weird how I’m so bad at staying sober despite all the supports I have

I drank a beer and a half after AA tonight

okay I confess it!!

but at least I’m being social…


Just don’t let it get outta hand man. I’m sure u know


the weed gets out of hand

I haven’t been too drunk since I started my anti-drinking meds

but it doesn’t keep me 100% sober

just makes me cut down

sobriety is just so frustrating and so much edginess I have such a tough time with it

I’m only 27…I don’t wanna compare myself to others but my sponsor was 46 when he got sober

I do think drinking is bad on the meds, but if I only have like 2 at a time its not the end of the world

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Good job on not smoking weed! U will quit when ur ready

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You aren’t a terrible human being. Guilt usually doesn’t help people not do things. Does your sponsor know you are schizophrenic?


Yeah I agree with u. I’m 28 n I have a couple every now n then. I don’t really crave it like weed tho. I wanna smoke even tho I shouldn’t.

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That’s like saying it’s weird how lonely I am even though there are people here. Having supports is great, but being an alcoholic is way deeper than that. Give yourself more credit.


I bet you your sponsor who is 46 would love to have quit when he was 27. Try and look at it like that.

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