Does cannabis damage the brain...?

because most drugs are toxic poison its only obivious they can damage the delicate brain structure

If taken when young and the brain is still developing it can affect it negatively, yes. I don’t think much is known about the effects on an adult brain though. (Age 25 and past)


Neurotoxins affect the brain in this way.

Neurotransmitters (most drugs) are actually quite harmless aside from altering general levels of regular neurotransmitters. (From my understanding)

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It turned out to be a myth. I could have sworn I saw it on mtv and someone I knew personally said he had an MRI and he had holes in his brain.

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Myth #3 “Ecstasy burns holes in your brain”

Again, this myth was popularized by Oprah, as well as an MTV special on Ecstasy. On the MTV
special, a young woman that had heavily used ecstasy in the past was given a
brain scan that appeared to show large holes in her brain. In actuality
what was seen in the scan was the amount of blood flow to different areas of
the brain. The “holes” were simply areas receiving less blood
flow. Another reason for the spread of this myth is Ricaurte’s
study involving the monkeys, which was discussed earlier (see long-term effects


That is horrible because I knew a woman who killed herself and people were saying she had holes in her brain and was brain dead from a bad batch.

smoking cannabis is like putting water in the oil tank of your car

That’s a good metaphor.

they call it weed for a reason

It’s more often called marijuana and cannabis.

Grass, pot, bud, goofy boots, op w.

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Yes neurotoxicity my pdoc said but it doesn’t do any long term harm.

Marihuana is a vegetable. Why you think vegetable bad

A bit of brain damage isn’t bad for some people anyway. You know why? Because they do nothing but work and they need a stout drink or a gigantic spliff every once in a while.

Not saying they should go ape ■■■■ though.

Probably wouldn’t want your scientists high though.

Hell, even natural tobaccos if done at sane levels isn’t going to effect anything in most situations. It’s not like we’re immortal.

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It sure seems likely:


I don’t really know anyone that calls it that. Most call it weed or green here.

I met some south Africans that called it grilling. “Hey wanna grill” oh I’m not hungry thanks though :slight_smile:

Excessive use of canibis leads to short term memory loss. In moderation, it doesn’t cause any lasting harm (except for lung damage if you smoke it) and can actually be beneficial in some cases. But if you’re on this forum, chances are it will trigger psychotic symptoms for you. When I smoked, I got way too paranoid and my arms melted, and pictures kept singing to me about how they were going to climb off the walls. It got creepy real fast.


There has being a lot of studies saying that it can have a permanent effect on memory. It is also said that it effects the part of the brain that does mathematics. Over here in Europe , what seems to be gaining traction , is that weed/skunk is ironically worse than resine. Cbd seems to be higher in resine , while THC is higher in weed. Regarding psychosis risk THC is believed to be damaging while cbd seems to have protective qualities. Also for the developing brain , for teens , essentially , it also seems to be damaging , in that again it causes memory problems , but also anxiety in later life.

Pot is a better alternative than alcohol.

It is essentially better to smoke pot every day than to drink every day.