Do prayers really help

I like it when I do tangible things that lead to awesome results. I can’t wait around for the flying spaghetti monster. I have things to do.

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That story makes me so paranoid! Lol!

Prayer feels like groveling or popularity contest to see how many will grovel for you…I gave it up. Yoga poses, focus on breathing/deepening stretch and do not think of anything else work best for long-term calm.

Once the others follow God’s orders by the voices to do things that are wrong, some of the churches just contain the wrong people and whole mess is best avoided once you have been psychotic + mental care. Set foot in one of these places will worsen the social harassment sometimes as some of the mega big churches just check your wallet, run you through the healing circus side show and throw the poor ones back onto the street to be harassed by more people. Worse, if you do not explain your reasoning to assertive parishioner and you leave after a while due to even bullying of adults in church, you will have so many people in the community bad mouthing you that it can affect your employment. Know the people who recommend churches well before you accept and accept invite because some of the rest are just serving up more money for the pastors/dirty business people in the church & have no problem mistreating anyone who has anything to say about being bullied, then stalked. Most of the stalking laws in the country and restraining orders are useless…There is no way to get these to leave you alone.

I don’t think it is worth the risk to even bother with church…I mean, you cannot talk about whatever mistreatment happened to you or how parishioners acted toward you, you also get harassed so badly in your community you may not be able to work if they do not know a little to explain why you left the church.

I don’t believe in such random phenomenon as luck, chance, and coincidence. Occasionally coincidence may happen but my philosophy is if it happens once it might be coincidence, happens twice i’m gonna start wondering…3 or more times, or 3 or more specific details to one event and I know it’s no coincidence.

Most ancient tribal beliefs and many religions say that everything is connected, there is synchronicity in the universe…and there is no coincidence

Did you read my post in Philosophies about God ? Post 58… I’ve had way too many answers, way too many specifics and many of them include more than one detail that happened exactly as i was shown…

How would you explain this next one? It involved alien/angels that followed Gods ways and told me a lot about God and the Bible…
After their visitation I asked them to prove they were real by doing something for me…
My GF at the time had been broken up with me for 4 months. I thought it was over.
1: I asked they get her to come see me (possibly could happen)
2: I said it had to be within 24 hours of me asking (highly unlikely).
3: Make her X tell her to come see me (Impossible, the dude hated my guts).

I set it up with 3 specific details that had to happen if these beings were to prove they were real. Each detail on the list was much more unlikely than the one preceding it, and the entire thing seemed unlikely since I had no contact with her for 2 months and her last letter was a break up goodbye type letter…

Lo and behold, 12 hours later she shows up and immediately tells me her X had told her to go see me…

Explain that as coincidence? Way too specific.

I don’t think this discussion needs to turn into ‘proving’ if prayers help or not. If a person feels that they help then they help :sunny:

This is Exactly my philosophy in life - I am not religious - religions are knee deep in politics and bull crap.
I am somewhat spiritual and I do believe in fate - spirit - the power of love (God)

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Well, there have been some people saying prayers don’t work, there are no answers, it’s only coincidence, etc…and on the other topic the question was specifically asked to testify otherwise as far as the poster feeling it’s all worthless and God doesn’t do anything.

I thought religious threads were to be discouraged? There are four of them on the front page this morning.

Discouraged… Not banned.

Which means no. Every day people make more and more of these religious posts. Discouraged my ass…

• Religious Discussions

Many of our community members have gained great strength from their religious faith while coping with mental illness. Since our community is composed of members of many different faiths; all we ask is that members respect each other’s religions and not try to argue with or convert nonbelievers to their faith. If religion worked for you - thats great - but please don’t force it on other people. If you continually are promoting your religion in your posts - we will ask that you stop and then we will ban

Malvok if these posts bother you so much as they obviously do then this function may be of assistance to you.

prayer to me is giving your troubles to the big man and asking if he can help, sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn’t but whatever way it goes he has his reasons and we must respect that, its a relief really and a lot of the times we do it without thinking about it, you know when you say ‘i wish that didn’t happen’ or ‘thank god for that’ these are like little prayers if you think about it,

i have been to proper prayer meetings and its basically the group just talking directly to God about the troubles of the world and asking for forgiveness or thanking him for good things that have happened, i personally have not spoken in the group as i am not ready but i like to go along sometimes and show my support,

the last time i was at the prayer meeting there was a presentation by a charitable group that helps christians around the whole world even in places like syria and north korea and it was kind of ironic actually bc i had been celebrating dewali (a hindu festival of light) and then found out at this meeting that 1000s of christians had been burned out of their homes in india by hindus and how they were trying to help the people of that atrocity,

there is also some songs and maybe a light reading relating to whatever is happening at the time.

I’m going to pray to my new Lord and Master, Satan, right now. I’ll get back to you on how well it worked.

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I’m not very religious, but when i have been in real despair i have closed my eyes and prayed…

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Oh Dear Lord…

I don’t believe in God but I still pray sometimes. When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, I asked God to make me well. When I was stranded in the Rocky Mountains, I prayed to God for rescue.

I have a very contradictory relationship with God but I primarily identify with atheism.

Prayers help a lot.

Depends on the situation maybe. If there are other ways to help they to should be sought. some prayers are just the same thing recited over again like the lords prayer or fatiha, some prayers are asking through telepathy or verbally for somthing specific maybe. I am delusional and somtimes I am praying for things like poeple to be condemend because they are affecting me spiritually and I am being controlled by thier faith and prayer. I cant stop thinking this and this becomes a negative prayer but supposedly anything you would pray to would understand the situation and know more about it than the person praying.

I see these types of religious discussions as being harmless. Nobody is trying to convert anyone. Nobody is fighting or violently disagreeing. Hopefully these will run their course and people will move on to other topics. Not a big deal.


Prayers do nothing.

If there was a creator then it’s already doing what he made it do.

If one were to pray to them they’d need not ask for anything but rather what the creator wants and thinks.

Perhaps somewhere along the way the definition of prayer became a slight bit convoluted?