Debunking a psychic

you know URI Geller? the “psychic” spoon bender? he used a spoon made out of gallium, a metal that melts at really low temperatures. just hold it for a while and it will melt in your hand. you can buy gallium on Amazon.

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It’s so general, but if one wants to believe in something, even if told different , they would probably believe in it anyway

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Interesting. I still believe in Mediums though !:astonished:

Mediums pfft…
I’d rather be a medium than sz,
Ghosts aren’t real pfft… but overactive imaginations are

I once had an old psychologist. He told me about Uri Geller… The old psycologist thought that I was psychic and that I could do the same things with my mind. He treated me for over four years before he referred me to a psychiatrist. I never believed in Uri Geller’s powers.

I never believed in Mediums until I was MI. I love that show “Hollywood Medium”. I think I am a Medium (amongst many other skills) but am being blocked from accessing it