Are "demonic rape dreams" common in Sz's?

Anna, check this out

Back when I started noticing people responding to my thoughts in public I became very embarrassed and self conscious of my thinking habits.

I would be so terribly afraid to think something horrible in the public that trying to force those thoughts back caused my sub-conscience to nervously and ferociously spit them back out again as stress relief.

Here in I was going down the street with all sorts of horrid thoughts, which i had thought were “intrusive”, but just a bad habit of forcing back potential bad thoughts and my brain barfing them out.

The anti-psychotics docs prescribe are not really overly complex - They simply calm the nerves so that the brain is not so over-active.

This calming allows you to wade down your mountains to the molehills they are.

Philosophical theory goes a long way in helping too.
Not going on any sort of ‘truth’ but perhaps theory that you’re not being ‘raped by demons’ but maybe (still in a strange sense) might be tele-sensitive to all of the sex taking place around you in your neighborhood.

This is philosophy cognitively watering down ‘Horrific’ to just ‘Really Bloody Weird’ thus making it a bit easier to deal with. =)


That is a good way of looking at it.
However I know 2 or 3 girls who had these type of experiences and were truly traumatized by them… there was even physical pain involved in at least one case, as if it had actually happened in 3D.
My wife had something happen where a human male did something to her of this nature. While she was unsure if it was a shapeshifting alien or not, the experience traumatized her…I knew something was wrong but she didn’t even want to tell me for awhile. Finally she did. And it did affect her waking life to some degree.

Hmm I’ve had the same fear with people being able to hear my thoughts. That’s an interesting theory, thank you for sharing that.

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Oh! Oh! I almost forgot!

Back in the early 2000’s I experienced sodomy while sleeping.
No one was in my room. (and I’m not that kinda guy. lol )

What I think it is - and yes it’s still strange
If you can accept that there may be a telepathic link between a portion of us - During sleep we become more
contiguous or sensitive to mind-joining (accidentally inhabiting each other more or less ).

What I finally concluded was that some person was being molested and they blacked out. During that blacked out state I was accidentally mind-linked and experienced the sodomy.

I know that sounds odd: But if people can just get past learning to accept the telepathy weirdness I think that is half the battle towards recovery.

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You are welcome, Anna

As I just pointed out to e_Luna. I just accepted that we might be telepathically linked and that made all the rest of the junk easier to deal with.

What I was most upset about was the little access to information before I discovered telepathy existed around age 22.

I also don’t receive any external info except when meditating or sleeping - I think closing the ‘Third Eye’ to ‘Voices’ out in public is just simply believing that you can’t hear them - and yeah, I know that sounds like it could be imagination too.

Just remember there have always been ‘Fortune Tellers’ and ‘Mediums’ around for ages so now you might begin understanding how they do their ‘magic’ lol

I get visions all the time while meditating or when I get ready to sleep at night. I used to only get them if I was in deep meditation, and then only after a year or two of practicing. Now I have them constantly. I see such strange things.

I’m not sure how they could be hypnagogic hallucinations because 1) I’m not experiencing sleep paralysis when I get them and 2) I’m not asleep when I get them at all.

Hmm…I think I just answered a disturbance I had the other day about why a ‘Creator’ of sorts would haunt me with some stupid images I get but I forgot once again:

Back about 6 years ago I was preparing for my evening job and I was really getting fed up with all the weird - Anxiety struck most days.

I had laid down for a power nap and the image of two porcelain horse statues with a flaming roman candle appeared and a curtain behind the horses.

I don’t believe this anything sinister nor demon worshipping. What I think is going on is some people have known about this for awhile and …well…when life serves you lemons: make lemonade!

I think they meditate on stuff like that for the sake of art and leaving their channels open to others roaming.

I remember a kid in a philosophy forum some years ago posting “I had a vision…” as if looking for his connection. Some other were doing this as well as if just an odd form of art.

I can’t say that I would blame people for trivializing or making better use of something odd like this but as you’ve noticed they’re flipping out some of us.

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Oh, BTW - Anna: Look up Nuero Linguistics
It suggests that we’re in a life course sharing links amongst students in a VR situation so
that we can learn about the perspectives each of us have.

I’m not sure how credible it is but I figure after so many odd idiosyncrasies we might as well go and figure out what’s going on. I tried running for years and would just notice something odd again sucking me back into the anxiety.

Now that I’ve explored a bit more and share philosophical insights with others, I’m finding many in the same strange boat…so if anything, we’re not alone.

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BTW - Just for the record. I don’t attempt to screw around with the connection intentionally.

If we are all truly connected it would defeat the purpose of having others around us if we just knew each others business instantly.

As well, it’s also privacy invasion.

But I can’t control who comes and goes - I only try and not do so myself.

I have the same fear/issue with people reading my thoughts and them reacting to it also!

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