Are "demonic rape dreams" common in Sz's?

About 20 years ago I had a dream that I was being raped by a demon (or someone like that). It was a quick dream – maybe a quarter of a second long – but it freaked me out and made me jump up. It didn’t help that I’d spilled red wine by me (that looked like blood)! Anyway, has anyone else here had a “demonic rape dream”, or something similar?

Personally haven’t heard of anything like this before. Sounds pretty terrifying.

Yes, my experience was shocking and terrifying.

I just read on here a little about someone else’s similar experience. I hope she sees my thread and provides more details.

I deal with demons 24/7. It never stops. There’s one in charge and even when it isn’t here it has demons around watching me. I go through periods where I am raped and abused nightly. Currently they’re weaker because I’ve been moving from place to place and it takes energy out of them to move with me. Even if I can fight them off, they just wait to attack me in my dreams where I’m way more suggestible.

I was just battling the head demon earlier tonight. It was so awful. I wanted to scream. I don’t want to be touched anymore. Ever. By anyone. Those things severely messed up my life and my head. Years. Years I’ve fought them. I want it to end. I just want it to end.

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I’m sooo sorry to hear that. Are you taking meds? If so, maybe they can be changed.

I have got hallucination about demon rape about 6 months ago , they have come through the window in a blue smoke like shape and felt like they were feeling and touching me, it was a very strange hallucination.

Not on any meds actually. I don’t even have my first therapy appointment about this until mid September!

I am so lucky not to have demons in my mind. I’ve only had evil humans and kidnappers.

In my mind… some humans are more evil and horrid then any demon I could think up.

One of my favorite authors had a scene where the hero said to the little girl…

“Oh yes… there are many monsters in those woods… only the monsters are human.”

When I was in college I would practically drowned myself in caffeine to psych myself out of inward thinking. It worked to a degree, but my brain couldn’t stop getting flashes of stabbing everyone, even though I didn’t want to stab anyone. :expressionless: Gruesome stuff. But I never had any dreams about it. Then again during those times I didn’t dream at all.

no but now you mention it maybe I will
lately I dream that I’m in London and don’t know how to get home. I feel anxious and can’t find my way around the London underground

i had a hallucination of a devil in ape form in the back of a abulance, i got PTSD from it

I had a couple dreams where I got raped or they tried to rape but I have no idea what that is actually like so it wasn’t very realistic. I think it’s much easier for girls to have this sort of experience.

Stuff like that i bring up to my therapist especially if I still find them a bit traumatic or recurring dreams. .

One day I had just gotten home from work, no one was home, so, I went and fell onto my bed face first suddenly, I couldn’t move and I was being raped! I thought at first that someone must have been hiding in the house! Then I was freed so I spun around, grabbed my pepper spray and searched the house, I knew it was a demon because there is no possible way for a human to disappear that quickly (not to mention when I was held down I was immobile, I couldn’t even move a finger)

Now of course I know it was a hallucination… But it seemed so real! It was terrifying! After this I started to fear men to a ridiculous extent. Sometimes I wonder if I have developed PTSD from an event that never really happened! I have never been so scared in my life though.

I get furiously angry all the time now for no apparent reason. My head gets barraged with fantasies of slaughtering people. It’s appalling to me afterwards because I’d never want to hurt anyone.

Father (helpful voice) tells me (just told me now actually) that it’s a magnified and extreme representation of my desire to show my pain and frustration to others. Also a venting method for anger.

Incubus and succubus maybe. There is also the phenomenon of alien rape but I think that is often the demon too… The power of Jesus by faith banishes these evils…

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i don’t think you should berate yourself for what you dream its just your brain ticking ober whilest you sleep imo tc

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Look up “Succubus” it is a common occurrence in the past.
Hence why the mythological entity came about.

The healthy way of looking at nightmares is that the mind is defending you in your
sleep when something is going wrong.

Like say, for example, the ‘she’ you speak of may have been you and her accidentally. lol
Take weirdness for the comedy value - It will help bring you a long way.

Many think that we share connection and accidentally tangle in our sleep.

So next time you see “Succubus” tell her to take you out for dinner first. =)

i have heard of it before…sorry you went through that.
take care

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Aww man. I sure hope you get good help fast!