Your winning pattern is everything. Know it and change it. Change Loser Pattern to Winner Pattern. Your knowledge+thoughts+deeds must change

Your winning pattern is everything. Know it and change it. Change Loser Pattern to Winner Pattern. Your knowledge+thoughts+deeds must change.

Thank you for sharing it with me (or us).

I hope to change mine.

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little changes one step at a time. my first change is to eat as much fruit and veg as i can stomach. i’m starting with smoothies, today i’m using banana, spinach, blueberries, raspberries and the anti oxident green macha tea. little changes one step at a time…change it, stick to it. my next change are my sleeping habits. i will designate two days a week to sleep during the day, the other days i have to work on my writing. not everyday but at least 3 days a week. but that is the next change. first the food. change it, stick to it. little changes, one step at a time.

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That’s the way to go. We are what we eat and, more…

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