I should get one too. make your life easier?
You need to chill out today, @daze. What has got you so upset today? You can talk about it without being confrontational to everyone. We are here for you, even when you’re being like this. Just talk about what’s up, stop being rude, and things will be ok.
I said @Bowens how did that involve you, @anon4362788
I was silenced for nothing, nowhere, ignorance!
I’m sorry that you feel silenced @Daze . All I did was close a thread where you called into question our rules on suicide and then a follow up thread where you “called me out” on closing that thread. No one is silencing you.
AnY Body can talk about suicide! what kind of fu-ck-ing site is this. even those not afflicted think of it.
what kind of Job would you have me do? lol
The interviews are really hard to get past for me. I really need to work on those.
well, not you, it was removed, meant to be @Bowens
but you can try temp work, it’s usually immediate hire.
It involved me because you’re being rude to another staff member.
There’s really no reason to get so upset and abusive toward people
Technically being a mod is a job i guess, its just unpaid, working out of the goodness of their heart to make this forum a well oiled machine.
I strongly advise against anyone getting a job if they don’t have to.
It’s volunteer work at best. And well oiled according to whom? Self confessed narcissists?
Well, I certainly don’t consider myself a narcissist. I’m just trying to do a good job. I’ve never had issues with you before fractaled. We have to abide by the rules of this site as given to us by the boss. This is a free site and we all have to abide by those rules if we want to participate in it.
I anoned my account too many times.
Daze has been suspended for 1000000000 times, and yet the mods are doing the job.
What is this meta party from hell…
I trust mods judgement…
some people have a thing about authority figures, I don’t, i have a problem with those who do not believe in the highest authority and think they can do what they like, 'we all have someone we answer to is all i am saying. and i’m not talking about szadmin here.
We should all abide by the rules but respect each others differences.
Whether anyone else like it or not, we all have a requirement to treat each other decently here. Some people have a problem with that because they think it’s ok to treat anyone however they wish.
In some cases it’s because they literally have no idea what they’re doing, in others they’re just being jerks. Either way, mods are here to make sure those people do not get free reign to sh*t all over everyone else and the forum.
Don’t like the rules? Well, there’s plenty of places out there, like Reddit, where people can act like fools. But here, you’re going to act like decent human beings or be forced to sit out.
And no, I won’t sit idly by when someone else is attacking one of my co-workers.
This IS a job. None of you see the crap we sometimes have to deal with. Members trying to convince others to kill themselves, go off meds, hurt others. Members making posts about how they want to kill their families and describe how. Members close to suicide that need someone else to talk to and we worry about. Perma banned people that send hacking posts, dirty messages, abusive messages, pornographic pictures.
Really, you guys think we just flag stuff and suspend. Sometimes that is all that gets done. But we are the front line that keeps this place a safe place to talk and share things like no other forum out there. Who is allowed to seriously make fun of your posts about everything from constipation to eractile dysfunction?
So give us a break. Especially don’t be giving a brand new mod crap.