I am excited about this new world coming, but I talk about it just here on the forum, I think that if I talked about it to normal people here in Eastern Finland in Finnish ‘uuden maailman tulemisesta’, they might take to a mental hospital … I do not know. I am excited …
I don’t understand what this “new world” everyone’s talking about is
Everything will change … everything .
Don’t Google it…giving you a heavy trigger warning…and I’m going through psychosis… @mjseu you know you have been talking about new world a lot…are you OK my Finnish friend …are you still taking pictures of your beautiful part of the world?
Uhhh I looked it up but all I see is it’s an old term for the americas and conspiracy theories about some totalitarian government.
I am ok, I have taken pictures, I need to get a new bicycle so that I can take more pictures, but about the new world, it will be very good for my little town,
uusi maailmanjärjestys… Is not the same as what you speak correct? The English is very close…in phrasing…despite seeming so diff in Finnish…
It has nothing to do with any totalitarian government …
Maybe you need a Med adjustment @mjseu?
I hope that you get a new bicycle soon.
I miss your beautiful photos!
English is stupid… Just so you know your beautiful utopia of a future…is being confused with the phrase I placed above…despite you not meaning for it to be…
Moved this to Unusual Beliefs, as it can be triggering for some.
Even the Prime Minister of Israel is talking about the new world coming …
Are you talking about this, @mjseu?
No … I just know something …
Honestly, with your posts about angels and your focus on this new world, I am really becoming worried about you. Can you explain to me how you know this thing?
Ok, you see Trump is for international business, my little town is so much involved in international business … here was something …
I definitely hope that good things happen for your town! The company I used to work for did a lot of business in Finland.
Just a simple decision to remove Russia sanctions will result hundreds of millions EUROs trade between Finnish and Russian companies … I know the history of my little town and it has always been involved in international business …