You guys are very lucky to have a partner

You guys are very lucky to have a partner
I feel like if I had a gf my life would be better but deep inside I know its not true, I would still have this shitty sz and negative symptoms. I would rather not have sz.


I need a job much more than a partner. A job would make me feel useful to society. I worked with my physiotherapy degree for a few weeks until i got sz

Then you just have schizophrenia AND the complications of a relationship.

Marriage isn’t the fun single people tend to think it is.

I mean, it’s great to have someone,

But it’s not constant full support and sex.

You’re dealing with another complex human that has their own issues.


Yeah, I often think of being able to date but being psychotic and not having any self- confidence gets in the way.

I wouldn’t want a relationship though, that takes a lot of hard work.


Just wait until your partner’s parents get old and frail and take up every spare moment and also burn up all your paid days off at work.

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Some married men would disagree with you. They got hitched cos they got the woman pregnant - and then were resentful and spent most of the day in the bar i used to goto.

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No regrets about my wife or my daughter. However, if I every marry again, it will be a freakin’ orphan. (NO PARENTS!)


Same here. Life is better without a bf. My food addiction gets aggravated by a relationship

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I recently dated and it was too psychologically stressful. I don’t think I can deal with voices in a relationship …I do like sex though :partying_face:


I have no regrets about my Daughter either. I just regret, my MI wasnt picked up upon sooner - and then just maybe i would have stayed with her. I was EUPD for years, and i was a total bloody nightmare to live with. My self now - would have chucked me out as well. And yeah the obscene drinking.

It was 9 years later after the divorce, i got dx’d Sz. I was an unstable, un-medicated drunken arsehole, with no insight - when i was married to her.


Yes so true. Marriage/partnership is sooooo bloody hard. Especially when you add children into the mix.


I’m so sorry man. I tip my hat to you for loving your kiddo no matter what has come between you. That’s wonderful.


Thanks mate. But if you follow my posts, im slowly repairing the damage i did.

I will always be Eternally grateful to Emma for giving me our Daughter.

Shes trusting me more now. x


I am of your opinion being in a relationship is a boon so big for me and how I function that the two conditions, being with a partner and being alone, aren’t even remotely comparable. I understand not everyone is like me, most people aren’t completely different people when in a relationship, I am.

Everything is so much easier for me when I have a partner. It’s hard to put into words just how much easier everything becomes, stress and anxiety become much easier to handle, no more fear of going out of homeostasis from the actions I take. Even bloody food tastes better…

That’s not even including the other person, all of those perks are simply for the time alone and the list is much, much longer. Some are hard to put into words but for example it becomes easier to forgive others or to take opportunities. Then there’s the fact that you have someone to plan and share your life with and it’s just plain stupid how great that feels.

If you ask me working without having a partner is cruel and unusual punishment. To me working while single is straight up torture, the prospect of making money and moving out alone is straight up horrifying to me. I’d much rather die on the side of a street of starvation than do that. Sooner or later I might have to make that choice too. That’s how important having a partner is for me, I can’t function alone in this society because every small compromise feels like torture to me when alone, while it’s not even noticeable when I’m in a relationship.

I don’t know how or why I came to be this way. It’s how I am though, the best I can do while alone is to not think about it since there’s nothing to be done about any of this. Life is unusually hard for me alone and unusually easy when I have a partner, unfortunately I am single with no prospects of change, it sucks to be me I guess.

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like this song, there is a strange love, so I had the same thing for a long time, not quite a typical relationship like everyone else, but everything was very difficult…but they have disappeared and without them I would not say that I feel bad

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I want to get married. It will help me to get less lonely .

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I miss a husband. In theory I miss the physical and emotional intimicy.

But…it’s way too stressful. I find people scary enough from a safe friendly distance. I’m happy I can tolerate that now…most of the time.

Relationships make everything 10000x more complicated.

In theory I’m having laughs and talks and sex. In practice they behave in all sorts of unpredictable ways. And I’m busy freaking out over that and explaining why I am freaking out. :expressionless:

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thanks man, like mrs. foster says…it’s not all just peaches and cream…gotta take the bad with the good days.


An even bigger tip of the hat!!!

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I don’t have a partner or a job and I’m happy. But yes, people that have a partner are lucky, even if it is a lot of work. Although, some people are better off not having a partner.