My Yu-Gi-Oh! Stuff came !!!
enjoy it man, who you going to play it with?
Awesome man. There’s a card shop here that regularly holds tourneys for Yu-Gi-Oh and magic. I end up splurging when I get into things like that so I stay away lol
How do you play yu gi oh? What’s the basic deal of the game?
Since my episode no hobby that is enjoyable is a water of time. Life is too precious. The simpler, the better. Please show us the finished work!
Chasing the world is a waste of time. A race that never ends.
Its difficult to imagine that water is precious on a waterplanet as it won’t get wasted. Similar to sand.
I play with my partner and also we go to events to play in tournaments but due to the Coronavirus we havnt been to one in ages.
You summon monsters and use magic or trap cards to destroy your opponents lifepoints
I used to play it on my Android cellphone.
Its an app in the Playstore.
I was just starting to get into the card game magic the gathering before lockdown fkd it all up have you heard of that card game?
Yes I’ve played magic the gathering. Great game.
there is a games cafe near my clubhouse that has games events, like d&d and magic the gathering, i think they do pokemon for kids too, Yugioh looks a lot better than pokemon
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