Ya wanna know what?

I want a freaking cigarette.

This too shall pass.

Suck it up buttercup.

I believe in you.

Don’t give up yet.

Still want that effing cigarette.


I too want a cigarette

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I just had one.

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I didn’t even know you smoked

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I thought all schizophrenics smoked. I have smoked since I was 16. I quit in college because I thought pilots couldn’t smoke to pass the pressure chamber in flight school but that wasn’t true and I started smoking again when I finished flight school.

I quit cold turkey with a hypnotist for 3 years. I tried again in my 30s but it didn’t work.


I think it took like a good couple of years till I was over that whole scene. It isn’t easy and it’s a crazily addictive drug. Still. You can come out the other side for sure and your so much better off. My biggest trigger was watching people smoke on tv. Really made me crave one but I know if I have 1 it’s never going to stop even though it’ll taste like shite…Be strong. You can do this.


@FatMama you are doing so well in your quest to giving up cigarettes! Hang in there, it shall become easier over time. Giving up cigarettes has to be one of the hardest addictions to give up.

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