Called them tonight. Not really that suicidal just afraid of getting that way. The guy on the other end barely talked; I did most of the talking and even when I left pregnant pauses he wouldn’t say anything. I mean I’m alright but when I got off the line I kind of wondered; did the guy not like me? Was he laughing at me? Maybe he’s bad at his job and just not suited to be on the hotline. He made a few good suggestions but didn’t solve my problem and then at the end he warned me I had only three minutes left and after three minutes he just hung up. He might have helped a tiny bit.
I don’t ever expect them to do anything but listen well. I’m smarter than all of them. I call every few weeks.
Gotta say, the title of this post gave me a little chuckle @77nick77
But in all seriousness, I hope you’re feeling better today
They all suck, Nick.
I think they’re trained to let you do most of the talking. I’ve tried doing something like this, like a therapy live chat and honestly I’ve found that letting people vent is what they really want. So maybe he was just trying to let you vent rather than talking himself. Idk maybe hes new to it too. hope it was ok lol
Hope you are OK now. I don’t think every staff working for suicide hotline has been trained. He /she maybe a volunterring staff and not a professional.
Well I hope you are feeling better now.
A lot of these emergency hotlines are for the birds, if you ask me.
I hope you tell your medical team that you needed to call a hotline.
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