Writing: Um & Um and so on

Spoiled n’ chewing gum
My tum rumbles
My thumbs fumble, they rumble
I look in the mirror; see two nearer eyes that skewer-bumble
Two thirds my face, flat in their place
Two thirds, flocking school birds fly past
Talking of their amusing past
The clock tocking of tasks to be done, no excuses will last long
My legs, oh, I cast them forwards, still with song
Towards something fast, I will this mass
Who knows where those toes will stumble back again
From a last twist of fate; twisted-torn, the ankle
Hold stance then and then again
Ken dolls
Tall dolls
Short callers, small criers
Blue collared, neat tiers
Rent free, eat; tired
Oh scholars, Myers-briggs
Figs that symbolized nothing; less tangible than higgs boson
Touching breeze; tangential heave from cigs; low gone
Seizure to utilize since euthanized teachers that lobotomized meek students with weak features
I’ll sit in the bleachers


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