I had to write a list down today as things were getting out of hand and my brain couldn’t hold all the information it needed, i have done this in the past and it does help to take the pressure off me, its mostly a memory issue as i forget a lot and so if i have too much i need to keep in my head then it just gets overloaded and starts filtering important info to make room for new stuff, it is a bit like a computer tbh.
Anyway, this list s pretty good, i put it down like a check list and marked little check boxes, its good because i can go through it and mark what’s urgent or tick it off when its done. I have 22 items on my list so far.
I also use lists and notes to remind myself of my better ideas.
Currently I am using obsidian on my computer, as my handwriting is illegible, even to me half the time.
The problem is: in the beginning I would write about my delusions, instead of helpful information. Now I rarely type things down, but it is usually always helpful information, and I often delete older ideas if I change my mind on them or I deem them useless as redundant information or unhelpful by their purpose.
I hope to use Obsidian as a life-long journal of useful ideas for future generations, if I ever have kids, that is. I see it almost as a duty to leave something useful behind, to prevent generational mistakes, and unneeded frustration or ignorance.
Currently I was experimenting with it’s smart second brain plugin for ‘ai’ to answer questions or search my notes for relevant information.
It might take me a while to get good at note writing for zettelkasten method and the obsidian program, but it is a lifelong project for me, so rushing is not necessary.
Before going shopping, I sometimes write down items to buy, if more than 5. I also keep todo lists at my job, although most tasks are obvious and don’t require advanced planning. Last but not least, I have an app that reminds me of upcoming birthdays.
I need to write everything down or else I can’t get through a day. I write down my sz symptoms, a list of what I need to do, a shopping list, what I am making for dinner along with the recipe. I need to remember to pick up my daughter from school so I also put alarms on my cell phone to go off at multiple times a day. I can’t function without all this.
I have an ap on my phone with an alarm on it for important dates & times as well, i forgot abut this, Its very handy. i think its all about trying to free up space in my head.