Writing a conversational AI program designed to mimic a schizophrenic

I’m writing a program using the coding language Python to develop an accurate depiction of having a conversation with a schizophrenic from a mental health professional point of view. I’m new to coding but I do now have near or about 200 lines of code for it so far to make it a base. I’m talking about it here so that I can get more input into what to put in it and how to capture schizophrenia from other schizophrenics points of view.

I obviously will share it when it’s done so people can ask it questions and probe it more. I just need to actually test it in an application.


For me personally telepathy was the basis of my psychosis and delusions. I think I am receiving telepathic communication from people or something regarding a person or people. I think my mind and feelings are being controlled telepathically for a purpose. I even think I am receiving telepathic visions which I can see like a vision when I remember exactly how a picture looks in my mind. I say I have voices but in reality it is more like telepathic thoughts coming to my mind. My mind is always functioning like it is telepathic with others and any existence that I hear people say they believe exists. The feelings I have are the most disabling. I actually think the feelings are more debilitating to me then the thoughts.

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You could have substituted my psychiatrist of 8 years with a rock and it would have been as helpful. The guy never talked. I would just go in and blather for an hour about whatever came to mind and he wouldn’t offer suggestions or advice. The guy looked the part though, he looked like a stereotypical psychiatrist with the round, wire glasses and the goatee.


Um. Google beat you to it. Trying talking to Gemini for more than five minutes.

Not actually joking here.

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Your project is very ingenious and interesting, I wish you the best!

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