Write your best weight loss hack ✍️

Hahah thanks! Guitar has taken a back seat kinda ATM. And yes go for it! I don’t care I derail all the time :joy: it’s a fun thing to do. I was reading that it’s easier to lose weight in the summer so I have a lot of confidence I’ll lose a lot.

What’s going on in your life other than worky work ?

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Black iced coffee. Coffee is a diuretic and stimulant and the water helps flush fluids through your system.


Not much. I’m just focusing on my physical health tbh. I am not good at much else when my physical health is bad

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Only thing that works on me is eating tiny amounts.

My dietitian said i don’t eat enough n I’m malnutritioned but that’s the only way I’m not obese.

Exercise doesn’t help me.

I was overweight while going to the gym five days a week….

I have to eat tiny amounts to be normal weight.

And also lower calories foods.

Have to eat lower fat stuff.

No vegan Mac and cheese etc

I’m starting as from yesterday to eat less and healthier.


The best exercise is push aways. As in push away from the table. I do know how hard this can be though when ap’s are slowing us down and we’re not burning off enough calories to lose while eating small meals.

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Nice, I’m starting a diet today as well. Trying to eat vegan although I may eat a bit of cheese

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I went full intermitent fasting some years ago and I haven´t come back. I do all pysical/mental activity better in the morning when fasting. It´s easier to cook only 2 meals instead of multiple, and you can go out and “eat normal” while dieting without any issues because calories in<calories out is the only way!

About core exercises I believe that squats /deadlifts/rows /overhead press/pull ups are the best way to develope a very solid core. When I was low body fat I had a strong core and I could see my abs perfectly just from large muscle groups exercises.

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Lol word man I can agree with that. Exercise is not really a remedy for overeating, fasting is. They’re not interchangeable because the body gets tired. Although yes ofcourse physical activity is necessary for health…just that it’s not the fix for overeating. Like I’ll overeat but I’ll run 10 miles. That’s unhealthy and unsustainable so focusing on eating less is a great paradigm.


I don’t know if I’m organized enough to do i.f. I’m glad it works for you dude. You seem like you know a lot about exercise.

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The happy pear on YouTube have some good recipes that are fat free vegan.

I think that’s what they are called.

Or just write vegan on YouTube and heaps of videos come up.

Hope you do it.

I just finished reading dr Michael greger s book how not to die.
He has videos on YouTube too.

Good wishes to us.:slightly_smiling_face::pray:t4::two_hearts:


It´s easy, just eat twice a day! it´s less to organize. You end up not having hunger in the morning.

Now I´m fat af, but I achieved the “It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable” in my 20s

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Eat less and move more. Don’t deprive yourself anything, just eat less, and make sure you move more to burn more calories.

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Amazing bro…yes that’s great advice I would agree.

I’m gonna search up some vegan recipes right now thanks :slight_smile:

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My advice is to just become a person that eats less. It’s all a state of mind. Same with quitting tobacco. Just introduce yourself to a new normal.

Moreover, enjoy some intermittent fasting, it feels good sometimes.


Thanks @Lcray that’s great advice…I suppose a mind shift is what your suggesting hmm…

I just had the bright idea to try some seated exercises for when I’m home and don’t feel like walking around

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That’s cool, there’s all kinds of exercise, like push ups and planks, that don’t need equipment. Squats, sit ups, etc.


allthough a pull up bar is the best minimal equipment you can buy imo, you can pull and push in different directions


My video has an optimal exercise guide, check it out if you want

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Thanks!!! :slightly_smiling_face: 5363636