Wouldn't the Truman Show scenario

Be a shot to law, order, government, and civilization (even if people hated the person at the center of the show)? And wouldn’t most people realize that and stop the scenario?

Truly interested to hear your take.

I have Truman, but I don’t understand the question


Like, wouldn’t some people see the disregard for privacy laws innate in the Truman Show as a tearing down of the ability of law to maintain order in a modern day civilization?

Like, we spied on one person…ok, I guess i, as a person don’t care about other people’s privacy nor the law…so let’s spy on another…let’s steal…and so on


Like, wouldn’t you have to be a psychopath in order for people to want to disrespect your privacy that much and if one was a psychopath wouldn’t they put you in prison for that?

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I sort of get what your saying. I guess that is why it’s delusional. Everyone else is just doing their thing and most likely they don’t even pay attention to you. I had all manner of things happening that were giving me messages…graffiti on the roads …Even the logistics of doing it are absurd. I do ok on the meds but I just left all that thinking behind me. It’s horribly seductive though…

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Thanks, @rogueone

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Are you saying I was being spied on first? Then you? You havent now or ever been spied on. I wish people would just come out and say it plainly that a person is not being broadcasted.

No I wasn’t saying that. Neither of us is being spied on, in my opinion. You definitely aren’t.

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