I have noticed over the years that my ‘Voices’ behave like a type of broadcast and that its content mimics cyber abusive trends like trolling, gaslighting and revenge porn to some degree, in so much as they are forms of covert emotional blackmail or types of mobbing upon a hapless victim or easy target, like Snapchat mobbing or Hazing, for the last 5 years I am flummoxed to how a Pathological biological disease can have the qualities of actual human behavior/tendency’s by way of methodology and by way of personally attacking the recipient.
Also what comes to mind is the reality of an ultra-rare condition that is supposed to only affect 1-100 people grow rapidly more common over the course of the last decade. Now it can affect anyone under the age of 16 as well as anyone over the age of 26 in males and 35 in Females, I have heard accounts of 12-year-olds acquiring the condition whereas before it was unheard of, same goes for people in the 40s suddenly start to hear voices,
These are some of my personal observations with regard to being a voice hearer.
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