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I am a smoker. Most of my family are smokers. All of my friends are smokers. My boyfriend is a smoker
I have hung out with many smokers i even smoked at some point in my life.
I have an acute sense of smell so I have a hard time being around smokers.
It’s hard to believe because I used to be a smoker for years and years.
Now the smell turns my stomach.
As a cancer survivor, any time someone smokes near me, I get super triggered. I stay away from it at all costs. I am wary of getting too close to smokers, because I don’t want them to die and have to deal with losing a loved one. That said, my oldest child is a smoker. They switched to vape while they lived here, but have since gone back to cigarettes. I love them and always will, but I do get on their case quite a bit over it.
I smoked for roughly 18 years. I quit smoking in 2007.
I have nothing against smokers. I just keep some distance when someone is smoking close by cause I don’t like the smell of it anymore.
I used to smoke, mostly in my teens, nothing against smokers regardless though.
I smoke, and it annoys me when people get on my case about it or complain about the smell or the smoke.
It’s not like I stand in front of an orphanage for premies and blow it into their tiny faces.
I get that it’s bad for me, but I doubt it smells as bad as some non-smokers claim. And it’s not gonna kill them to walk past a smoker for 1.5 seconds.
Wow no… That’s a little harsh. Smokers are just people.
I don’t enjoy standing next to ppl when they’re smoking.
When I move out if, I’d like to live with non smokers
looks like the jokes on you joker, many people just say why ask its not the smoke that keeps them from you its what and who you do it with. in this case maybe. not yes or know. have a good one. Zen
Well,Im disciplined smoker.Always on window,I ask my neighbours if they sense it,and never smoke outside or when in guests.
But Im aware that non smokers can sense it from wardrobe,thats bad…
I’ll associate with someone who smokes, but not when they are smoking.
Trust me, it 100% smells as bad as we say.
My friend hugged me the other day, and he reeked of tobacco smoke.
And the smell lingers badly. I used to get called into the principal’s office all the time in school for smoking. I disn’t smoke, but my dad did, and even wearing freshly washed clothes the teachers still smelled it on me.
I think it smells good.
Blech none for me, thanks
My brothers girlfriend is a smoker.
I would never disassociate myself from her.
She is too nice.
Also I have lots of extended family members that smoke.
I took a walk early this AM to get some coffee. It was super pleasant, not too many people out yet, but then a woman a few feet ahead of me on the sidewalk lit a cigarette and started smoking it while she walked. It was no longer a pleasant walk for me and I tried to remember if I ever walked down the street with a lit cigarette when I was a smoker. I really hope I didn’t.