Would you be comfortable if all psychiatrist offices dug deeper?

I’m not sure if I would mind.
I would prefer I tell the psychiatrist the symptoms, and they prescribe for those symptoms; on the other hand, if their treating the diagnosis, complete diagnosis, say their treating schizoaffective disorder and not, “cant sleep / wind down, because of voices”, “cant drive because of voices”, “cant cook because of voices”; the prescribing might be different.

Like I said, I’m not sure.
I have been in situations where it is really tough to function and the symptoms can be concerning (talking to self, moving hands, while walking down street) and my appearance was off.

I say that because that may fall under life style.

I take the symptoms, day by day.

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I get 15 minutes tops and that is plenty. I’ve done the intensive stuff and I’ve done hour long sessions and honestly I’d rather the current approach. I have a brain disorder that needs meds. If I need other support I’ll ask for it otherwise I have a good network of family and friends to keep grounded. I would just find it totally unnecessary for me. Not saying it wouldn’t work for others because we are all different. Just not for me.


My pdoc wants and always asks me every visit for me to wear a medical bracelet incase I had an episode and ended up in the company of law enforcement and would be sent to the psychward instead of jail.
I don’t wear one though I don’t really want people to know I have mental illness

I think he meant improve your lifestyle as well as a med regimen

I don’t think I need help beyond more effective treatments. Some small accommodations like transportation for essentials and I’m pretty happy.

For others they may need more to feel happy.

I don’t think he did …

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