Would two schizophrenic people make a good match?

Hi everyone, I’m looking for a girlfriend so I’m trying to figure out what kind of girl I should be looking for. Would two schizophrenic people make a good couple? I would like a girl with schizophrenia because I would have a lot in common with her but on the other hand I like girls that are normal without schizophrenia.

I prefer non mentally ill honestly, I dont want us to encourage each other delusions and paranoia. And I don’t want to deal with others mental illness, mine is more than enough.


I honestly think I would go for a non-mentally ill person… like @Aziz said, you could worsen each others delusions… and dealing with another persons mental illness would be a lot.

I am married to a somewhat normal guy lol (no mental illness)


I’ve never dated a person with schizophrenia. However, I have read that the chances for a child to inherit schizophrenia significantly increases when both parents suffer from schizophrenia. Despite that, if you find someone with schizophrenia that makes you happy and the feeling is mutual, I’d wish you the best.


I got in a lot of trouble by having a potential partner with sz. It’s harder than you think and not cut and dried.



I’m guessing it would stress both you and your potential partner. Probably best to try and find a non-mentally ill person.

Yea I forgot about that one.


It seems like everybody’s case of schizophrenia is different and unique except for the label. Two people in the same household experiencing symptoms like paranoia, delusions and hallucinations + negative symptoms would be a lot to handle. I wouldn’t specifically look for a girl with schizophrenia; I would start by looking for a woman I like. I wouldn’t rule out a woman with schizophrenia but I wouldn’t use that as my main criteria for finding a mate and seek them out for the fact that they have schizophrenia.


Pretty intelligent response, Nick. I have to agree. :+1:


My partner is labeled bipolar and has psychotic features he’s shared with me but we don’t feed into it because we both have enough insight. So I’d say it depends on level of insight.


I’d prefer a girl with schizophrenia or schizo affective disorder or bi polar disorder because I don’t like people misunderstanding me. That said, I don’t like unreasonable people. It would be easy for me to get a mentally ill girl and hard to get a “normal” girl because I get scared.

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No. I think it would be bad and over the years I’ve seen some horrible cases where that came about!

So no. A sz person with a so called normal person a much better thing.

In my experience? No. It seems like it should, but it doesn’t. I’ve tried multiple times and it has never ended well

i have lived that ansewer for over 45 years, and still going. please think of it as a dubble trust and conpassion. if your to make it.

You’re dealing with awfully broad catagories. You might be compatible with some schizophrenics, and others not so much. Personally, everything else being equal, I would lean towards a schizophrenic partner. They would be able to empathize with you. Someone who isn’t sz might not have the patience.

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Dont limit yourself, cause it can be very difficult too with another person with sz… If you are relatively stable, just dont limit yourself…
I personnaly have ill friends and i often cant communicate with them much either, because of our symptoms…
For the rest, i have one friend, who was a nurse in a psych ward and she said, that what she saw is usually, that the mentally ill people have ill partners too :slight_smile: . So thats it. But the best as i said, is not to limit yourself now. You could find a healthy person too, who had a hard life too and will understand you a lot too. Hugs

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It would be a pretty sweet deal to have a non schizophrenic caregiver/mate. I dont have that now really. I take care of myself. I dont need any more people to take care of in my life either but I think that if they were high functioning and took their meds it could be as healthy and happy as anyone else’s imperfect relationship.

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